Chapter 33

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It was about noon that day when I had made my decision.

"Damon, I want you to turn me," I told him.

"Don't worry I will," he said.

"No, now. Like right now," I told him.

"Elena-" he started.

"Don't even start to elena me! Please do it now!" I yelled tearing up. He bit into his wrist and fed it to me, then snapped my neck.


When I woke up, I felt a little droozy, so I looked up and saw damon playing with the kids.

"There's a blood bag in the fridge downstairs, drink some and your a vampire," he said while changing Spencer's diaper. I walked down stairs and ripped one open and drank it. I did that to another one, then another one, then another until I had at least ten. Then I sat down on the stairs and took a breath. I'm a vampire now, the words seemed so foreign. Like something about it wasn't right, but this is what I wanted, so I got it. But why did I want it was the real question.

Was it because my parents are back? Was I stressed? Maybe I just wanted to keep up with my children. I was a full time mom now, this was new also. I'm just confused....

"Elena? Elena are you okay?" Damon called down the stairs.

"Um, yes, I think I may be getting there!" I yelled and ran up the stairs and kissed him, and hugged him.

"I love you so much," I told him.

"Well I love you too," he said. And kissed me again.

"We should go see my parents, I mean there finally back alive, I want to spend some time with them," I told Damon.

"Okay, I'll pack up the kids," he said.

"I wanna take a shower, and get ready, then we can go. Wanna get the boys ready, an ill get the girls?" I asked him.

"Sure," he said and gave me a kiss.

"I'll bathe the twins," he said.

"Okay," I said and gave him a quick kiss and got in the shower. Ten minutes of peace is amazing.


When I got out I got Spencer dressed first, the twins would be way harder. I put her in a cute comfy outfit, I mean, we were only going to my parents house after all. Then I put the twins in matching summery dresses, and it was off to see my parents.


Once we got to Jeremy and Bonnies, I finally started to notice Bonnie's baby bump!

"You look so cute Bonnie!" I yelled at her.

"Thanks Elena! You look very good for just having triplets!" she said.

"Yes! Thank you! It's tiring chasing the twins and taking care of the triplets!" I told her and set the twins down and let them run. Then triplets fell asleep in the car so we set them on the table.

"Oh! Well your parents are in the living room if you'd like to go see them!"

"Yes, I will!" I told her and walked in to the living room.

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