Chapter 36

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(Elenas POV)

I was just sitting there now waiting for him to return. I had put all the kids to sleep, and was very exhausted myself. But I had to wait up for Damon, I didn't want to go to sleep without him.

I went into the kitchen and grabbed the bottle of bourbon, and some blood bags. I sat down in the couch and turned on the tv to see what's on. Gossip girl was on so I decided to watch some of that and get myself drunk out of my mind. Then all of a sudden the door opened.

"Elena!" it was Caroline and Stefan was with her.

"Why are you drinking? You don't drink!" she screamed at me.

"Elena, what's wrong?" Stefan asked me.

"Damon," I croaked out, and the tears started slipping.

"Damon? What do you mean Damon?" Caroline questioned.

"What happened to Damon?" a Stefan asked.

"He, he, he hasn't been home. Do you think he left me?" I asked.

"No, my brother loves you more than life itself. He would die for you, something has to have happened to him, Elena, trust me. Lets go find him. Caroline will babysit, okay?" he said. I just looked at Caroline.

"It's always me who babysits! But if it will make you happy, Elena, go find Damon," she said and gave me a smile.

"Thank you so much," I said and gave her a hug. I really needed to find him.

"Let's go then," Stefan said then guided me outside and into him car.

"It feels so weird to be without kids, without Damon, it's unnatural," I said and looked out the window. Stefan placed his hand on top of mine. I looked at him.

"We're gonna find him," he said, then put his hand back on the wheel. I turned my head. I'll start with Jeremy, why don't you start at the Salvatore Mansion, and we can meet in the middle," I said. He pulled up next to Jeremy's house and I hopped out of the car and ran inside.

"Elena! What are you-" Bonnie started but I cut her off.

"I can't find Damon anywhere!" I screamed and fell to the ground and started crying.

"I need Damon, I can't go on with out him, he probably didn't like the life I gave him, he doesn't want me any longer," I cried out and laid on the floor of her kitchen.

"Elena, Damon loves you so very much, he wouldn't leave you," Bonnie said.

"Then he must have gotten kidnapped!" I screamed at her.

"Let me talk to Jeremy quick," She said and left me.

(Damon POV)

"Please let me say goodbye to Elena!" I screamed out. He took the knife away and my skin healed up.

"Oh Damon, she's coming down here too," he said and I saw Miranda was gone.

"No! Please! You can kill me! Just leave her be!" I screamed.

"That would be too easy for you, I'll tourture her while you watch," he said.

"You are sick! Torturing your own daughter? Who does that?" I asked.

"Oh, Damon, I'm just doing what's best for this earth," he said.

Just then I heard Elena's cries upstairs, "I need Damon!" she yelled. I could hear her cries and it broke me in half. I wouldn't let him hurt her.

"Don't you dare touch her!" I screamed and showed him my fangs. That didn't scare him. He had become accustomed to torturing vampires. Which honestly scares me. I know what he can do to Elena. Just then she's thrown on the floor in front of my feet. She looks up at me and her eyes are filled with tears.

"Damon!" she screamed in joy, she hugged me, an kissed me.

"Never scare me like that again," she said still crying.

"Elena, you need to run! Get far away!" I screamed at her.

"Damon, I'm not leaving you," she told me.

"Elena! You're gonna get yourself killed! Leave now!" I hissed at her.

"Tell me what's going on!" she screamed.

"Oh I can answer that!" Greyson said as he came walking in.

"Son of a bitch.." I said.

"Dad? What's going on?" she asked looking at me.

"Well, you're vampires. You an your husband. So I have to kill you both," he said.

"But dad..." She said. He shoved he in a chair, and chained her up.

"Nooo!" I screamed and tried to break lose, with no luck of course.

"Don't you dare lay a hand on her," I hissed serious this time.

"What are you gonna do about it?" Greyson said. Honestly I wasn't sure. But I knew she wasn't gonna die tonight.

He started making cuts along her body, that fastly healed. Then he took a wooden stake, and stabbed it in her leg making her scream out in pain.

"Stop this! Do it to me instead! Please!" I cried out.

He took it and stabbed her again.

"Elena!" I screamed tearing up.

"Damon, always remember, I love you," she told me.

"Elena, baby, I love you too, but we are gonna get out of here," I told her. She needed hope. I needed her to stay with me.

(Bonnie's POV)

I walked into the kitchen with Jeremy, but when we got there Elena was no where to be found.

"Well that's weird..." I said.

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