Chapter 16

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(Damon's POV)

I was in tear and I stormed out of the hospital. God damn it! Why did we have to run? Why could we of just walked down the stairs? I should have just picked her up and carried her! I shoulda fed her my blood! I need to go pick of the twins so I could give them their shots. So I went home and when I got there Katherine was sitting on the couch.

"Damon! Where Elena? Is she okay? How are the babies?"

"She won't be coming with, and the babies are fine."

"Oh okay."

"Where are my children?"

"Right over here," she told me as she led me to the nursery.

"Okay, let's go you're coming with me."

"Where are we going?"

"The babies need to get their shots."

So she helped me put the babies in their car seats and put them into the car. When we got to the hospital it was a horrific experience I know knew why Elena hates it so much.

"Katherine, I'll drop you off at home and I'll take the babies."


"To see Elena."

"I wanna come with! Damon, are you-"

"Yes Katherine! Go!" I yelled at her and forced her out of the car.

I drove straight to the hospital and right to the front desk. "Yes can you make sure no one goes into Elena Gilbert's room except me? Thank you." I said an I compelled her just to make sure.

"Elena dear I brought the babies," but as I expected she didn't move.

(Elena's POV)

"Elena dear I brought the babies!" I hear someone say. Probally Damon, he's the only one that's came so far, I don't know why, maybe my other friends were mad at me.

"Emily and Brittany got their two month shots today, I can see why you hate going," I could hear in his voice him tearing up I wish I could tell him I'm okay. "they miss you so much! it's not the same without you! What am I saying! I miss you Elena! No I don't miss you I need you to wake up please!"

I was trying now harder then I've ever tried but it just wasn't working! C'mon Elena do it for you children! Then one baby started crying then the other did and I could tell Damon was getting stressed and you don't know how much I wanted to help him, to hold my babies!

"That's it I can't take it! Elena wake up now! I will do anything to make you wake up! I will marry you the second you wake up! I will be the best father I could ever be! Just please! Wake up! I can't raise these kids on my own!"

(Damon's POV)

But there was still nothing. She didn't even look like my fiancée anymore, she looked like a stranger laying in a bed.She didn't look like my baby momma. She looked unrecognizable. And that's probably the worst thing I've ever thought in my entire life but it's true! It was the worst thing iveever seen she looked dead.

A.N. Hey guys sorry! Kinda a filler chapter! next one will be better! Do you think she'll wake up? Or be in the coma for a while? 😏 I love hearing what you guys think! Also please vote! It adds four seconds to your life! :D

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