Chp.3 A New Ally

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-Hekapoo POV-

As I was on the ground, I stared to notice a person walking towards us. He has black spiky hair, a white shirt, black pants and red shoes, he was also carrying three swords on him and one huge on on his back...

Ludo: Who goes there?!

???: Sorry if I'm crashing in your business but...from over there on the woods I can see you guys hurting and scarring these innocent people, so I hate to say this but I need you guys to top hurting these people.

I don't know what he was doing, but I have a feeling this guy is trying to save us, I notice the monsters now focusing on him...

Ludo: And who in the hell are you to tell us what to do!?!

???: I ain't tryna repeat my self. I'm asking you Nice and calm to leave these people alone, they haven't done anything wrong.

Jasper: Look man, we're because of business so why don't you get out of here or you might as well get hurt like the others.

???: Good grief...look I don't wanna fight okay, I'm just asking you to leave them alone and get out of here, don't make me repeat myself again, and besides, you don't wanna mess with me.

Tank: Oh really? Ludo?

Ludo: He is getting on my nerves already, so why the hell not! Get ready monsters!

I then started to know that all the monsters are going to attack him...I somehow started to feel worried about him being alone against these giant bastards

Hekapoo: H-Hey! Get out of here! Your gonna get hurt!

I then notice he started to ignore me as he was starting at the monsters...

Hekapoo: Are you even listening?!? Your gonna get hurt!

???: Don't worry.

Hekapoo: Huh?!

???: You guys just go hide somewhere, I'll take care of them since they won't listen.

Hekapoo: ..R-Right! Come on guys, take star Marco!

Queen Moon: What are you saying Hekapoo?! We have to help him!

Hekapoo: I know my Queen, but for somehow I'm started to have a feeling that he can handle them, don't stop why or how let's just go hide! And we need to heal Star!

Queen Moon: Very well then! Come on!

We all then started to hide behind the bushes as Omnitraxus Prime then went back to the crystal ball as I took him with my arms. As we did, Moon started to use a magic spell on Star to heal her shoulder. As she did, the wound from her shoulder was gone as she started to wake up.

Star: U-Uh...wh-What happen!?!

Marco: Babe!

Marco hugged her tight and gave her a kiss on the cheek...

Star: Marco...

Queen Moon: Thank god your okay!

Star: Mom? What happen?! Wait! Monsters we have to-

Queen Moon: Don't worry about it, someone is going to help us out.

Star: Huh?! Who?! Where!?

Star then got up as she looks over the monsters and the person as well...

Star: Who's that???

Hekapoo: We don't know yet, but all I can know is that he can handle them by himself, don't ask why, I just...have a feeling he will...

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