Chapter 20-The First Fight with the Enemy

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"Wei Xing...?" she asked startled. His eyes homed in on the piece of jade that she was holding.

"You...! You're the thief...?" he asked feeling a bit dazed.

Thief? He knows that she stole this? AH!

She noticed a similar jade in his hand and it too was glowing. Don't tell her that the reason why it was glowing because Wei Xing's duplicate made it glow? Was he tracking it?

"I wasn't sure before but now I am. You're the one who broke into North Peak and took one of the five keys," he said slowly.

One of the five keys? Where have she heard this? Ah! One of the five keys as in the keys that unlocks the cave of inheritance? It couldn't be that this piece of jade was one of the five keys, was it?

Before she could say anything, Wei Xing thrust his palm out and a sizzling golden thread jumped out. It coiled around her wrists like a snake and attempted to bind her wrists together but her golden shackles acted out of its own accord and slapped the sizzling snake like thread away.

"What?" Wei Xing looked confused as his golden thread couldn't bind her only to see the golden shackles that were already on her wrists. His eyes widen in shock. Her wrists were already bound and not only that, its stronger than the golden thread he just released. Those shackles on her wrists weren't ordinary shackles. They were soul bound shackles. Only god realm cultivators were able to produce such shackles and even then, those people bound by it shouldn't be able to move at all, but she moves around so easily in it much less use spiritual energy.

"Sorry but I don't plan on going back to Tian Ling Sect with you," Xiu Xiang said. She grabbed her magic pouch and jumped out the window.

"Wait!" she heard him call out.

As if she was going to wait for him!

She jumped down into the dark empty streets but didn't make it far. Wei Xing's spiritual sword came zooming past her and then circled back around to attack her. She thought she had been fast, but his sword was just as fast. She nearly got cut as she jumped back to avoid the sharp blade.

Was he going to kill her?!

She spun in place, avoiding the incoming blade again but with each dodge, Wei Xing's sword became faster and faster as if it was getting a better sense of her movements. By the fifth attempt, Xiu Xiang nearly got cut by the shoulder. The sword swung back around but this time, Xiu Xiang couldn't dodge it in time. Her arms shot up to protect herself and the sword came flying straight at her.


The golden shackles on her wrists had taken the full brunt of the force of the sword and it crackled. A sudden explosion came from her shackles as if a bomb had detonated in front of her. Xiu Xiang went flying back from the impact of the sword and blood gushed from her mouth.

"Xiu Xiang!" someone cried out. His voice was filled with fear and concern.

Who had screamed out her name so endearingly?

Xiu Xiang couldn't see. Her eyelids felt heavy and her entire body hurt. She only knew her body was flying back in midair. Suddenly, a pair of strong arms wrapped around her and a light and almost feminine like chuckle erupted beside her.

"So you really are the child of the Demon King. I've found you at last, my lord.."

Hua Jian?

Xiu Xiang wanted to tell him that she wasn't going to be any demon's lord but found that she had no voice. Her conscience was slowly fading away. This action was sure to lead her straight for her death. Wei Xing was going to misunderstand this. She didn't know why but she didn't want him to misunderstand this. Was it because she didn't want to die early? She couldn't understand herself either.

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