Chapter 18-The Demoness's First Minion

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"That attack won't work on me!" Hua Jian laughed as he prepared to blow on his flute. A tidal wave of attack shot forward to meet with the fire arrow but the arrow easily pierced through the tidal wave.

"What?!" A look of horror flashed across Hua Jian's face as the fire arrow sped right for him. He wasn't fast enough to dodge it and was immediately pierced. His entire body erupted into a giant ball of fire and he screamed out in agony. "Impossible! Phoenix fire?! You're--!"

Xiu Xiang snapped her fingers and the fire intensified burning him up until there was nothing left but ashes. She breathed out a sigh of relief only to feel a sharp cold blade aimed at her neck. Her eyes darted to her side and found that it was Wei Xing, who was pointing the sword at her.

Aiya! Out of the frying pan and right into the fire!

Xiu Xiang didn't move a muscle as her eyes peered down at the sharp, cold blade. If she even so much as gulp, her neck would get sliced for sure. She followed the length of the sword until her gaze fell on Wei Xing's face.

His handsome face contorted in pain as if he couldn't decide whether he wanted to chop her head off or not. The hand holding the sword shook violently and Xiu Xiang wondered if she shouldn't just secretly attack him now while he was fighting with his internal self.

"You're not Xiu Xiang! Xiu Xiang wouldn't...!" Wei Xing trailed off on his words as if he was struggling to put his thoughts into words.

She wasn't what? So he wasn't sure if she really was Xiu Xiang? What should she be so nervous about then?

"Xiu Xiang? Who's that? Are you sure you didn't get the wrong person?" Xiu Xiang asked. She flashed a nervous smile in his direction and after what felt like forever, he finally pulled his sword back a few centimeters.

"Who are you? Why did you come here?" he asked suspiciously.

First, he saved her and now he's suspicious of her? Make up your mind!

"Just a passerby, really. After the townsfolk saw me save a young maiden, they begged me to come here to find their daughters for them," Xiu Xiang explained.

He eyed her warily but finally withdrew his sword. Once he did, Xiu Xiang made her way back into the main hall.

All the women who were under Hua Jian's illusion, finally snapped back to reality. Most of them looked quite scared while others were confused. Bai Qing was the only one who tried to calm them down until she saw Xiu Xiang enter the main hall. Her face lit up at the sight her and she instantly ran over.

"Young Master Xi-!" Bai Qing didn't get to call out her full name. She had seen Xiu Xiang raise a finger to her lips and she instantly snapped her mouth shut. Understanding right away that Xiu Xiang didn't want her name revealed, Bai Qing nodded and asked, "What is Young Master doing here?"

"I should be asking you that. After we parted ways in the forest, weren't you heading west?" Xiu Xiang asked.

Bai Qing looked embarrassed as she shyly replied, "After we parted ways, those thugs came back with more men and brought me here as a gift for this demon...! Ah! Where is he? That perverted...!"

"It's alright. He's dead," came a reply from behind Xiu Xiang. It seemed like Wei Xing had quietly entered in after her. Xiu Xiang was quite confused as she noticed that colors had drained from Bai Qing's face.

"Are you alright?" Xiu Xiang asked feeling quite worried for the girl.

"Ah! I'm fine. I'm just..." Bai Qing didn't finish her sentence and asked, "Young Master, who might the gentleman behind you be?"

Xiu Xiang looked back at Wei Xing. She wasn't supposed to know who he was, so how was she supposed to introduce him?


"Wei Xing of the Tian Ling Sect," he introduced himself. If Xiu Xiang thought that Bai Qing's face couldn't get any paler, it did.

"Oh... I'm... Xiu Xiang," Bai Qing blurted suddenly as she greeted herself.

Huh? Did she really just steal someone else's identity? What was she thinking?

Xiu Xiang furrowed her brows but after seeing the pleading look in Bai Qing's eyes, she couldn't help but sigh heavily inside. She looked back at Wei Xing and noticed that his expression had gone sullen as if someone had thrown his puppy into a blender.

What was the look for? That's your future wife, ah!

After sending the women out of the manor, the only people left were Xiu Xiang, Wei Xing, and Bai Qing.

"You aren't leaving?" Bai Qing asked her. Xiu Xiang shook her head in reply.

"It looks like the demon that has been capturing women here has been at it for a while now yet the town is still running smoothly. It most likely means that the magistrate is imprisoned somewhere in the manor. It's best to find him and put him back in his rightful place so the town can start thriving again," Xiu Xiang explained.

"I see..." Bai Qing replied but Xiu Xiang barely heard her. She was too wary of Wei Xing's constant staring. Really now. What was he trying to do? Did he think he could burn holes into her body with that vicious glare?

Bai Qing blushed as she picked at her wide sleeves.

"Young Master, I was wondering..." Bai Qing started only for Xiu Xiang to hold up her hand to stop her from going further. She's been feeling goosebumps from the affectionate way that Bai Qing kept staring at her. This woman was going to be her future enemy! It was probably best to clear the air between them now in order to avoid future complications.

"Before you say anything, I believe you've misunderstood. I'm not a ma..." Xiu Xiang didn't get to finish as the courtyard started changing. Their surroundings started blurring as if reality was blending with illusion. The sky disappeared and an aura stronger than before filled up the courtyard.

Wei Xing instantly grabbed Xiu Xiang by the arm and pulled her behind him. Surprised by his actions, Xiu Xiang almost stumbled over her own foot. He then glared frostily at Bai Qing and motioned for her to get behind him. Bai Qing flinched and quickly jumped behind them both.

"Stay close," he warned her in a low tone. He pulled out his sword and in that instant, a loud laughter erupted from within the manor. Out came a man dressed in gaudy red silk robes. His hair was tied into a loose ponytail that hung over his shoulders. In his hand was a jade flute. He twirled it back and forth in his hand as he casually came out.

"Hua Jian?" Xiu Xiang eyed him up and down looking quite disgusted. His face was powdered and his lips were painted bright red.

"So... looks like you killed my other half. I'll have to thank you for that," Hua Jian said. His voice was light and airy. It almost sounded feminine like. His eyes landed on Wei Xing and a smirk appeared on his face. "Hm...? What's this? What a delicious looking man and behind you... "

He let out a smirk before clicking his tongue.

I've Become the DemonessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora