Chapter 14-Robbed Under One's Nose

Start from the beginning

Her lips curved upwards into a sinister-looking smile as she stepped deeper into the main room of the pavilion.

"Why do you look so confused, Master?" she asked. She looked quite relaxed with her hands behind her back as if the pavilion had belonged to her and not him.

"How'd you managed to enter North Peak, Demon?" Master Feng Mian asked sharply.

"Sigh... was I really such an insignificant presence in your life that you can't even remember who I am?"

Xiu Xiang felt quite insulted. As she strolled around the room, she happened to pass by a mirror and finally gotten a good look at her face. She barely recognized herself. It's no wonder that Master Feng Mian didn't know who she was.

No matter, she thought as she broke the mirror with her hand.

"I was so sure that I wanted to rip you into pieces when I see you again, Master but now that I've gotten a good look at you, I realize, it's just not worth it," Xiu Xiang said as she looked over her shoulders.

"We have no relations whatsoever and I'm not your master. Why have you come here?" he hissed.

"To rob you of course. I'll need some money once I leave this place," Xiu Xiang said as a matter of fact.

"R-rob?! Despicable! You'll be long dead before you even manage to steal anything!" he spat. He snapped open his fan and with a horizontal wave of his fan, a strong gust of wind rushed toward Xiu Xiang.
"So slow..." She merely smirked before dodging the attack.
"She's fast!" He thought. If he knew that Xiu Xiang had given him a handicap by wearing the golden shackles, he'd probably spit out blood. By the time Master Feng Mian's eyes caught sight of Xiu Xiang dodging the attack, Xiu Xiang had already pressed several of his pressure points, paralyzing him on the spot.

"You...! What did you do to me?" Master Feng Mian seethed.

"Nothing much. I can't have you alarming the rest of the people on the Tian Ling Sect, now can I?" Xiu Xiang said as she strolled into his bedchamber. She grabbed his magic pouch that he carelessly laid on the table and filled it up with priceless treasures like his jade sculpture of an ascending dragon and an ember orb. She found his money pouch and also tossed it into the bag. Next, she found his stash of pills and tossed a bunch into her bag. She suddenly wanted to laugh as she threw the pills into the magic pouch. Back then, Master Feng Mian had accused her of stealing a Qi Rejuvenation Pill even though it had originally been given to her by Wei Xing. Who would've thought that one day, she'd really end up stealing?

Seeing that there was nothing else useful to take, she walked back into the main room.

"You won't get away with this!" Master Feng Mian roared. Xiu Xiang clicked her tongue and shook her head as she went to stand in front of him.

"Are you sure about that? Master Feng Mian is a highly regarded master of North Peak. What will people think when they hear that you were easily brought down by a demon and even got robbed right under your nose?" she said slyly. Her words seemed to have sunk in as Master Feng Mian's anger seemed to rise a few levels.

"You...!" he seethed as he struggled to move only to roar out in frustration. Xiu Xiang threw her head back as a burst of mocking laughter erupted from her pretty lips.

"Aw. Don't be so angry, Master Feng Mian. Losing a few treasures and pills is better than losing your life now. Isn't it?" Xiu Xiang said as she held out an open palm right at his face. A mass of dense energy swirled around her palm. It was so hot, he could feel his skin getting scalded from the tiny wisps that escaped from her palm. She looked like she was ready to burn him into charcoal. Fear flashed across his eyes as a chill ran down his spine. He's never seen someone with such a powerful aura before. Then he remembered that little disciple of his who would one day bring destruction upon his peak.

Xiu Xiang...

But she was dead! He made sure of it!

"You...! Xiu Xiang?!" he cried.


He gasped in shock. The color instantly drained from his face.

"I know you're the one who ordered Wang Yue and the others to kill me off. Even the proud and arrogant Master Feng Mian of the Tian Ling Sect would have a day like this," Xiu Xiang said. She lowered her hand and the energy dissipated. She smirked and started for the exit only to stop as if she suddenly remembered something. "Ah. Do let Wang Yue and Song Yi Yan know to watch out for their backs. If I ever end up seeing them out there, I won't hesitate to kill them. Consider this warning a gift as we were once master and student."

The pathway towards the exit of the mountain was empty as everyone's attention was on the explosion above Cliff of Abyss. Xiu Xiang walked through the gates sporting a new uniform as the old one she wore was extremely tattered.

She was finally going to leave this place.

It was only a year that she had spent here but to her, it felt like hell on Earth. She didn't once look back as she moved forward, ready to start out her new life as the Demoness.

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