7 | Pieces fall into place

Start from the beginning

Her eyebrows rose. Stealing from a Malfoy required guts and stupidity. Usually the Department of Law Enforcement took care of this. But since this was a Malfoy, a thief was required to handle it quickly and discreetly. With the Ministry involved, it'd be on the front page of the Daily Prophet and everyone would know about it.

"It was someone you know," she told him, looking around the background of the photo. The study hadn't changed since Narcissa died.

He turned, forehead furrowed. "Why would you say that?"

"You had spells, jinxes, maybe a hex or two, in this room while you were away, right?" she asked, tilting her head. He nodded. "There you go. They'd know all about them. I'd ask if you had enemies, but we both know that's pointless. So, instead, I'll ask if anyone wanted your mum's locket." She watched him.

He didn't twitch. "No. Not many knew about it. Mother only wore it for balls or special occasions."

She nodded then finished her drink. She got to her feet. "I've got all I need for right now. If you remember anything, owl me." She grabbed her cloak and bag. She looked at the picture again. "Can I keep this?"

He grinned. "Want something to-"

"For reference, Ferret," she said, walking to the study door.

He chuckled. "Of course. Let me see you out." He reached it before her and held it open for her.

*               *               *

Scarlet eyes flashed in the darkness, startling Harry awake. He tumbled off his chair. The pain woke him completely.

He rolled onto his back and exhaled. "Bloody hell." Rubbing his eyes, he sat up. The lamp from his desk lit the room. Still at the office. Damn. He looked at his watch. Three in the morning. Shite. When did it get so late?

He stumbled to his feet and fell into his chair. He covered a yawn, blinked hard then put on his glasses. The Daily Prophet laid on his desk. Kingsley walked across the atrium on the front page. Today was the day, and the MACUSA President would be arriving in ten hours. He should go for a cup of tea or coffee, maybe a late snack. He needed something to kick start his brain.

Sleeping at the office was turning into a terrible habit. He might as well invest in a cot. Again, he worked until he fell asleep. Dedication took over as his middle name. Who was James, anyway? He moved the paper out of the way and focused on the map.

He went through the timeline of Fyrefox's steals just before falling asleep. When the Ministry picked up the thief's trail, over the last year or so, each reported theft had been bigger than the last.

Was he gearing himself up for something big? His hands clenched the papers for a second then he let them go, leaning back in his chair. Maybe you don't know anything, Potter.

"Dammit!" He pushed the papers aside and watched as they fell to the floor. He failed this case, even more so as time went on. Couldn't even catch someone who thought it was okay to steal. What was the point of all this? He dropped his head into his hands. He was in trouble. He peeked at the only paper left on his desk, the Daily Prophet. He couldn't- Harry blinked.


He grabbed yesterday's paper and caught Kingsley's quote:

"Tomorrow, we take steps to strengthen our bonds," Minister Shacklebolt said. "President Quahog and I stand as two strong units. This is only the beginning. We..."

The article went on, but the picture gripped him. Kingsley stood by an empty pedestal. This afternoon, the offering would be displayed.

It clicked into place.

The warning made sense now. You're next, the parchment said.

Fyrefox planned to steal the artifact.

Something priceless taken. But the warning was a mystery. Firefox didn't steered in the Ministry's direction. He'd taken yet never made the front page. But what did he honestly know about Fyrefox?

Maybe they'd all been training for the one big score. Because this was the steal. With the wizarding world watching, President Quahog and MACUSA would be appalled by such a heinous crime and the alliance would go up in smoke. Trust broken, the alliance failed, and the results disastrous.

"Oh Fyrefox, you're good," he whispered, looking at the paper. How long had the thief spent in Ministry for recon since knowledge of the meeting came out? And they'd never had a clue. It could've been anyone he passed. Watching, waiting, preparing.

Well, he was prepared too. When Fyrefox appeared and revealed himself, Harry would be there. He hoped they got it out of the way before the ball tomorrow evening.

Harry got to his feet. He needed to owl Robards and pass along the information. Not to mention preparing a team. He grinned as he stepped out of the office.

You're the one that's next, Fyrefox.

Harry shut the office door behind him.


First off- The 'Who's James, anyway?' is a joke. He makes it in regards to the bit about dedication being his middle name. No one ever said Harry was especially funny. He's an odd, odd man.

Now that that's out of the way, what did you think? Thoughts, questions, comments? And so, for those who are new: What do you think the peace offering is? And what do you think's going to happen with the Black locket? Let me know your thoughts! <3

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