Chapter One: Am I Not A Good Person?

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Evelyn's POV

You know that feeling of hurt and betrayal...that feeling of anger and just utter disappoint...well if you don't it doesn't matter but that is exactly how I feel...that is exactly what I am feeling right now just like I always am. I have had so many dates that I cant even keep up and I've been in four relationships...that's right four and each and everyone of those relationships have ended badly, I'm not sure if they end because I drive them to end or end because guys just can't keep there pants on. Men apparently only think about one thing and one thing only and that is sex, sex and even more sex...and if they're not thinking about sex then there thinking about other women cause god forbid they could just stay loyal to one person. I guess not all men are like this...I was in one really good relationship for about a year before we split up because we went to different universities so that one was okay but everyone else I have dated has been a real jackass...including the one that just ended today...that's right the one that just ended...well the one that's ending right now.

"HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME," I yelled as loud as I could as he just shook his head like he didn't even care. He didn't even seem like the type of guy that would cheat but I guess I was wrong again...but it shouldn't surprise me cause I'm always getting my heart broken...I'm always the one that's being left alone in the dark. 

"'s not that you're not a nice person and all but I'm looking for more then just communication and dinners," he said as I shot a glare at him.

"We've only been dating for two because I won't sleep with decide to look elsewhere," I said to him as the word douchbag ran through my head. How could men seriously do this to women...we're just pawns in there lives that they can move around however they want to and I find that absolutely disgusting, however as of this moment Andrew is the worst guy in the world and I can't even believe that I talked to him let alone kiss me. 

"Evelyn you really need to let guys in cause we need more then just talking..."

"That's just great," I said cutting him off. "Why don't you go tell someone who actually cares," I told him before I shook my head. I picked up the bag that I had dropped on the floor and then I walked out of the apartment and to the elevator. As the doors closed I sighed and leaned my head against the wall taking in a deep breath trying to stop myself from's not that I am crying over loosing Andrew I'm crying because I can't seem to keep a man. And I know the saying already...women shouldn't learn to need a man they should be independent but it's a bunch of bullshit...women want men just as much as men want women were just more classy about it...well most of us anyways. 


I sighed and parked my car on the side of the street just outside my store before I got out and locked the car behind me, I then walked to the door to the store and walked in seeing two of my very best friends play fighting behind the counter which isn't really a good thing to do in a store full of antiques. Yes if you guessed it was Nick and Lilly you would be correct, the two of them had been dating since senior year and they had been inseparable ever since...even during the course of university they shared an apartment. 

"STOP IT...SERIOUSLY JUST STOP IT OR I SWEAR TO GOD," Lilly shouted at him as Nick stopped tickling her for a minute and looked at her.

"That's not very nice shouldn't swear at god he didn't do anything wrong," he said as she smacked him across the arm causing him to start tickling her again. 

"STOP IT," she shouted again before they both calmed down seeing me standing there looking at them. "Oh hey," Lilly started before noticing my state. "What happened," she asked pushing Nick away and stepping closer to me but stopped because the counter was in her way.

"Can I ask you a question," I asked them as they nodded their heads. 

"Of course you can Evelyn...although technically you just asked us one," Nick said as Lilly turned and looked at him before she smacked the back of Nick's head. "Sorry...force of habit," he said as I shook my head.

"Is there something wrong with I not a good person," I asked them bringing their attention back to me as they both stared at me as though I didn't make any sense. "Guys," I said as they both shook there heads. 

"Sorry...I just...well I didn't think you'd ask us that," Lilly said as I stood there waiting for them to answer the question. "Oh Eve you're a really good person...your funny and kind most of the time and yes you do have an attitude every once and awhile but you're amazing," she answered as Nick nodded.

"Yeah I're an amazing person and you treat everyone with respect," he said as I nodded my head. "Why are you asking us anyways," he added as I sighed and walked over to the counter or desk...not sure what you want to call it but you know what I mean. 

"Andrew slept with someone else and I caught him this morning," I told them as Lilly sighed and shook her head. "So I guess it is the guys fault...I thought it might be me but apparently not," I said placing my bag on the counter.

"Eve it is not your fault okay...all guys think and act the same way alright, they want sex and sex and more sex and they think about women all the time. Their pigs and liars and cheaters..."

"HEY!" Nick shouted as Lilly looked at him.

"I don't mean you baby but you grew up with Demi and I so you are completely different...however you do think about sex all the time," she added on as Nick nodded his head.

"Yeah that's true," he said as I laughed slightly. "However she is correct but there are decent guys out there in the world you just...have to wait so don't give up Eve...I know that one day you'll find an amazing guy to be with and Lilly will be complaining about me not being romantic enough once you tell her all your stories," he said as I smiled. 

"Thank you Nicky," I said hugging him as he nodded his head and wrapped his arms around me hugging me back.

"You're welcome but you asked us for our opinion so I was only telling you the truth," he said as I nodded. 

"Okay good now let's get to working and you go away cause I am going to be busy and you have work," Lilly said pushing Nick away as I laughed slightly and grabbed my purse again. Lilly pushed Nick all the way to the front door till he was out of the shop even though he complained all the way as I walked to the back room where I put my purse down and sighed as I looked around trying to think of better things. 


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