The Ransom Call

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"Hello?! Xiao?" said Jin. "Where are you?! We are worried sick for you!"
But the response he got was shocking. He was replied with hysterical laughter from an unknown man.
"Who are you?" asked Jun. "What have you done to Xiao?"
"What have you done to her?!" asked Jin. "Why have you captured her?!"
"How much do you want?" asked Kazuya. "Just name your price, we'll give it to you."
"Money isn't my motive," said the man on the other end of the line. "Your little girl is in our hands, I don't usually deal with mankind. Who I am? Want a second clue? I'll call you back in two hours. The more you delay, you can't see her."
"WHO ARE YOU?" asked Lars. "Why have you captured Xiaoyu?!"
"That's what I'm asking you," said the man. "Who am I?"
And with that, he hug up but not before laughing hysterically. The others were confused and more worried for Xiaoyu.
"Who is he?" asked Jin. "What does he want with Xiaoyu?"
"What did he say again?" asked Kazuya. "I didn't quite catch it."
"I recorded it!" said Amber. "Let's replay the clue."
So they heard it again and they started to think up the answer.
"I don't know what he's trying to imply," said Jin. "Mankind? What does he mean? Is he a zoologist?"
"Or maybe an ornithologist?" said Jun. "Maybe he deals with birds?"
"Maybe he deals with demons?" suggested Kazuya. "Or maybe he deals with insects? An entomologist?"
"The possibilities are endless," said Lars. "What do we do now?"
"Let's call Nina," said Jin. "She might know."
So he called Nina whilst she was having her lunch. She was having spaghetti with tomato sauce and when Jin called her, she accidentally dropped her fork on herself, staining her light grey shirt.
"Oh great," said Nina, annoyed. "Now I have to change. Who's calling me? Jin?"
"Ninaaaaa!" shouted Jin over the phone, causing Nina to flinch. "I NEED YOU URGENTLY! I'M COMING OVER NOW!"
"Geez, why do you always have to shout?" asked Nina, annoyed. "You're back from Hokkaido already?"
"Yes yes we are," said Jin. "I have no time for that now, we're coming over."
"Wait what?!" asked Nina, shocked. "Is it that urgent?"
"YES IT IS," shouted Jin, causing Nina to flinch once more. "IT'S A LIFE OR DEATH SITUATION!"
He hung up and asked the driver to speed towards Nina's mansion. Nina just sat there, dumbfounded. Her shirt was stained too. It was a good thing she was almost done eating, because she just gobbled up the last bit of the spaghetti and went off to put away her plate. She told the guys, who were having their lunch on the living room sofa while watching tv.
"GUYSSSSSS!" exclaimed Nina, much to their surprise, that they almost spilled the spaghetti all over themselves. "Jin is coming, for some reason. He says it's urgent, and that it's a life or death situation."
"Wait what?" asked Steve. "He just got back from Hokkaido, and already has something going on?"
"Maybe he's just worried about his precious Zaibatsu," said Adam. "Like isn't that what he cares about the most?"
"No," said Steve and Nina in unison.
"He cares more about his family," said Nina. "His company is second, after his family."
"Is that blood on your shirt?" asked Steve, pointing it out. "Or is it spaghetti sauce?"
"Yeah it's spaghetti sauce," said Nina. "I dropped my fork when Jin called. Anyway, I gotta go and change before they arrive. Urgh the light grey colour of the shirt just makes it worse..."
But before she could go upstairs to her room to change, the Mishimas and Kazamas arrived. Nina was halfway up the stairs when they started banging on the front door, even when there was a doorbell.
"Oh great, now they're here," said Nina, coming back down and opening the front door. The a whole family rushed in and started explaining the story to them. Shasha, who heard the commotion from her room, came down to see what was up. The Mishimas were explaining the situation, while the guys were just awkwardly sitting on the couch, with a plate of spaghetti with tomato sauce on their laps, watching a sitcom. Nina felt awkward too, since there was a huge red stain on her grey shirt.
"Xiaoyu has been kidnapped!" said Jun. "She went to the bathroom at the airport, but never returned."
"What makes you think she was kidnapped?" asked Nina. "Maybe she was lost?"
"No she was definitely kidnapped," said Jin. "We received a ransom call."
"A ransom call?" asked Nina. "What did they kidnap her for? Money?"
"No not for money," said Kazuya. "They gave us a cheesy clue."
"A clue?" asked Shasha. "What clue? What did they say?"
"Wait I recorded the conversation," said Amber, taking out her phone. "Ah here it is."
She showed them the recording and they all heard it intently. The guys had also finished their meals and had joined the discussion.
"I think we should go to the discussion room and discuss this," said Nina. "Come on, lets go!"
So they went to the discussion room in Nina's basement. So they sat around the large table and Nina was at the front.
"Okay so first thing's first," said Nina. "He said that he doesn't want money, and says he doesn't deal with mankind. So what is he dealing with?"
"That's what we'd like to know," said Jin. "Like it's a pretty weird for a clue."
"Amber," said Jun, suddenly. "I know you're hiding something. What is it?"
"Well..." said Amber. "I should confess. Remember when we were at the amusement park? The reason she was late was because she was ambushed by a group of men in plague doctor outfits. She took so long because she had to fight them."
"Wait what?!" exclaimed the Mishimas and Kazamas.
"Why didn't you tell us earlier?" asked Jun. "We could've prevented it."
"Xiao made me promise not to tell you guys," said Amber, regretfully. "Especially not you and Jin."
"Men in plague doctor outfits?" asked Jin, thinking. "I've never seen anyone like that..."
"I haven't too," said Jun. "They sound like evil men..."
"She actually managed to fight them off?" asked Kazuya, admiringly. "I never knew she could be so strong."
"Why do you always underestimate everyone?" asked Lars, annoyed. "YOU EVEN UNDERESTIMATED ME!"
"Now why were they wearing plague doctor suits?" asked Shasha. "That's just really messed up..."
"Plague doctor outfits..." said Nina, thinking. "Oh I've seen men wearing them before. Now who were they?"
"Think Nina, think," said Jin. "Come on, try and remember it. Where did you see them and who were they? It must be stowed away somewhere in your head."
"Yes!" exclaimed Nina, suddenly. "Now I remember!"

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