Investigating the mysterious letter

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She prepared a chicken pie for lunch and a no-bake cheesecake for dessert. The others arrived when she had already finished cooking.
"Smells good," said Nina. "What did you make?"
"Chicken pie and a cheesecake that doesn't require baking," said Shasha. "Help me bring these."
They ate together in the dining hall. After lunch, they went to the living room.
"Hey I received something mysterious in the mail," said Shasha, taking out the letter. "I received this anonymous letter."
"Is it a threat?" asked Anna, taking it from her. "Is it something scary?"
"Nope it's something else," said Shasha while the others leaned over Anna to read it. "It's weird right..."
"And you dusted it for fingerprints," said Nina. "We may be able to find out who it is, if they joined the tournament previously, because we have samples of fingerprints from all contestants from previous tournaments."
"Oh yeah I remember," said Shasha. "Jin took mine too, when I came to enter."
"Can we keep this?" asked Anna. "We'll dig in the database tomorrow."
"Okay and please update me the results," said Shasha. "I wanna know who it is..."
The next day, Shasha went to school as usual. The others went to the Mishima Zaibatsu to work.
"Jin, you have all the contestants' fingerprints from past tournaments right?" asked Nina and he nodded. "Shasha received a mystery note in the mail yesterday."
"She even dusted them for fingerprints and found quite a few," said Anna. "There's some of hers too and she labelled them."
"Let me see it," said Jin taking the letter from Nina. "It's very mysterious, but I don't think they mean any harm."
"Yes I think they need help," said Steve. "Looks like they are stuck in a problem."
Jin nodded. Jun and Amber entered with a tray of snacks.
"Hi Jin!" said Jun. "We brought you some snacks. We brought some for you three too."
Jin smiled at the thought of having his mother in his office.
"You're the best mothers ever," said Jin. "Now I get free snacks and love while working."
"Yes and you're the best employer," said Nina. "We get free snacks too."
"Did you give some to Kaz- I mean dad too?" asked Jin. "He's at G Corporation right?"
"Yes we'll be going there now," said Jun. "But now, we eat."
Jin was eating while he scanned the letter for fingerprints. He found many matches.
"There's a lot of people's fingerprints in here," said Jin. "They belong to you guys and Shasha, wait there's more."
"Who's is it?" asked Nina eagerly. "Anyone I know?"
"Yes it is," said Jin. "It belongs to Katarina Alves."
"That Brazilian?" asked Nina. "Kazuya recently turned her father back to normal right?"
"Yes he did," said Jun while crunching on a cookie. "He and Emma did it a few months ago. After that, she went back to Brazil."
"But what made her contact Shasha?" asked Anna. "Like it was solved right?"
Jin shrugged.
"I guess we'll be going to deliver snacks to Kazuya now," said Jun. "Here, pass these to Shasha. Bye everyone!"
She handed Nina a jar of snacks and went out of the office with a big packet of snacks with Amber.
"So what do we do now?" asked Nina. "I think we should tell Shasha about it."
"Wait I'll text her now," said Anna while taking out her phone. "She told us to text her if we got any updates."
Anna: We got an update on the mystery letter
Shasha: Really?
Shasha: Did u find out who wrote it?
Anna: Yes it's Katarina Alves
Anna: U know her right?
Shasha: Yes I do
Shasha: She's the one who's father got mutated right?
Anna: Yes that's the one
Shasha: Hmm
Shasha: I wonder what she wants to find out about
Shasha: Do u know y she contacted me?
Anna: Beats me
Anna: We'll discuss it later
Shasha: Ok we will
It was even more confusing now. Why did Katarina contact Shasha? What did she want to know about? So may questions started looming in their minds. Shasha wasn't concentrating much in her class. The lecturer was talking about evidence collecting while she was thinking about the mysterious letter.
"Shasha!" called the lecturer when she noticed that Shasha was just staring blankly into the abyss. This gave Shasha a jump. She quickly looked around and saw that everyone were looking at her.
"What was the last thing I said?" asked the lecturer. "You should know if you were listening."
"You said my name," said Shasha. "That's the last thing you said before asking me."
"That's right," said the lecturer again. "So what is the first thing to do when investigating a crime scene?"
"I um Uhh," said Shasha and kept silent after that. The lecturer saw this and called out another student. She too had not been focusing. She left Shasha to stand and did not allow her to sit down.
"Come on the answer has gotta be somewhere here," said Shasha while searching frantically on the white board with her eyes. "Oh yeah that must be it, establish the scene dimensions and identify the potential hazards!"
"Miss Angus! I know what it is," said Shasha raising her arm. "The first thing to do in a crime scene is to establish the scene dimensions and identify the potential hazards because safety first."
"You were concentrating, then," said Miss Angus. "Then why didn't you answer earlier?"
"I needed time to think," said Shasha. "You suddenly asked me that's why I had to think first..."
The teacher bought her excuse and sat no more. She allowed the students to sit down. The school finally came to an end and she gratefully left for home. The others were still at work so she had to either walk or take a taxi.
"Well it's a nice day," thought Shasha. "I guess I'll just walk."
She started walking back to Nina's mansion. The cool autumn air in her face, the warm coloured leaves were falling off the trees in a very nice manner. They day was a little cold so Shasha had to pull her jacket closer towards her. She always liked going for a walk in nature.
"What a nice place," she thought while walking in the cool autumn breeze. "This is very peaceful."
Then the cool air was suddenly interrupted by a presence. She felt like someone was watching her, following her. She put herself on guard, afraid that it might be a robber. She felt uncomfortable too while walking down the path. She was alone too. Then she heard someone approaching her. She quickly turned and grabbed the person and threw them to the floor. It was a woman. She stood in her fighting stance while the person struggled to get up. She had light auburn hair and tanned skin. She was wearing a green turtleneck sweater with a pair of long jeans.
"Who are you?" asked Shasha. "Why were you following me?"
"Wait let me explain," said the woman and stood up. "I need to speak to you, in private."

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