Marshall China again

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They arrived at Marshall China. The place was quite empty since it was getting late, but not too late.
"Who's that guy?" asked Adam. "He looks more like a martial artist than a chef."
"He is," said Steve. "He's both. People around here call him the Fighting Chef."
"Oh I remember this guy," said Adam. "His restaurant was closed down because of some brawl. And his dojo closed down because there were nunchucks flying out of the windows and causing destruction on the streets! It was all over the news."
"How come you always watch the news, but never my boxing tournaments?" asked Steve. "Like, at least be proud of your son, and watch what I can do..."
"Okay, fine," said Adam. "You want me to see you can do? We shall have a sparring session tomorrow."
"You guys are always saying it, but never doing it," said Shasha, annoyed. "Like I can't wait to see a tournament in Nina's dojo, but it seems like it's never gonna happen..."
"Fine we'll do it tomorrow," said Nina. "You're joining us too, okay?"
"Yes I will," said Shasha. "I wanna test Adam's strength too."
"You're a martial artist too?" asked Adam, and this made everyone annoyed. "I never knew."
"She won a tournament, Adam," said Nina, annoyed. "Didn't you hear about her? Haven't you seen her training?"
"Nope," said Adam. "I don't watch fighting tournaments."
"I was right," said Steve, annoyed. "You watch everything except fighting tournaments..."
"Let's just have our dinner..." said Shasha. "Come on, aren't you guys hungry?"
So they went in and Marshall obviously treated them with specialty because Steve's his good friend.
"Who's this guy?" asked Marshall, pointing at Adam. "Never seen this guy before. Is he your friend?"
"He's my father," said Steve. "My long lost, young father."
"Oh so you finally found him," said Marshall. "I see some resemblance, like your hair colour, and some physical characteristics."
"Yes that's the only thing he inherited from me," said Adam. "The rest, he follows Nina exactly."
"But why are you so young, though?" asked Marshall. "You look more like Steve's brother instead of his father..."
"Same story as me, Law," said Nina. "Been put into cryosleep."
"Ah I see," said Law. "Now where's that sister of yours?"
"On a holiday with Lee," said Nina, sounding annoyed. "Seriously why is everyone besides us on a holiday?"
So after ordering their food, they started talking. Paul was there too, and he joined them. After that, they saw another familiar face. It was Lei.
"You here again?" asked Steve, when he saw Lei eating noodle soup at another table. "You were here the last time too..."
"He's always here," said Forest, serving the food. "Always binging on bowls of noodle soup and dim sum."
"Hey I heard that," said Lei from the other table. "I'm just tired after a long day of police work..."
"Yep, he's actually kinda right," said Forest. "Anyway, dad said this guy's your dad. How old are you even? You look like you're in your twenties..."
"I'm actually forty-five," said Adam, much to Forest's surprise. "But since I was in cryosleep, I'm only twenty-six."
"Holy moly, you're younger than me," said Forest. "I'm twenty-nine. You're younger than me, but way older than me?"
"Yeah, I guess," said Adam. "This is getting awkward..."
"Oh sorry for disturbing," said Forest and quickly headed back to the kitchen to help his father. "Enjoy your meal!"
"Psst, hey," whispered Nina, leaning towards Shasha. "I suggest we leave the guys here and go somewhere else till they're done."
"Yeah good idea," said Shasha. "Especially since last time Steve took forever to come out..."
So after having their dinner, Shasha and Nina decided to go to the nearby bookstore instead. They left Steve and Adam to do whatever they want with the Laws and went there. The girls shopped a bit and then they went to the shoe store too.
"It's a good thing Law opened his restaurant near a bunch of shops," said Nina. "Or else we'd have to watch the guys..."
"Yeah," said Shasha, picking up two pairs of shoes. "Let me see, high heels or loafers?"
"High heels," said Nina. "They look better."
"Hmm," said Shasha, thinking for a moment. "I'll take the loafers."
She put high heels back on the shelf and took the loafers instead. Nina was confused and annoyed.
"Then why did you ask me?" asked Nina. "You've clearly made your choice, why bother asking me?"
"Don't know," said Shasha with a shrug. "I just wanted to make sure."
"Okay whatever," said Nina. "You done? Let's go and pay."
So they paid for the shoes that they bought and left the store.
"Are the guys even done yet?" asked Nina, looking at the restaurant window. "Nope, they're so not... aaand Adam has joined them too..."
"Let's just go to the smoothie shop," said Shasha. "Aren't you thirsty?"
"Yeah I am," said Nina. "Come on, we'll get something to drink."
So they went to the smoothie shop and had a smoothie there. They were drinking the smoothie while chatting, when suddenly they heard the front door open, followed by protests. Turns out, Steve had to drag Adam out of Law's shop. He was having so much fun with the Laws, that he forgot that he didn't wanna leave, even though it was getting late.
"Okay fine, I'll come," said Adam, being dragged by Steve. "You don't have to drag me, you know..."
The guys saw the girls and joined them at their table.
"So what's going on?" asked Nina. 'Why are you dragging Adam in?"
"Well this guy here didn't wanna leave the shop," said Steve. "I had to drag him out of there."
"What did he do?" asked Shasha.
"He first wanted to see Law and Lei do a sparring match," said Steve. "As if that wasn't enough, he wanted to spar with Law."
"Okay so that isn't much of a problem," said Nina. "What else did he do?"
"Well he lost against Law," said Steve. "This sore loser demanded a rematch..."
"And then what?" asked Shasha. "Did he win the rematch?"
"Nope," said Steve. "He didn't get one. Law was gonna close the store, since it's getting late, and this guy didn't let him to. So I had to do something, so here I am."
"Adam..." said Nina, annoyed. "Poor Law... he just wanted to close the store."
"Yeah and if you wanna spar with him, go to his dojo," said Steve. "It's right a across from the restaurant."
"Really?" asked Adam. "How come I never saw it?"
"Because you so blur," said Shasha. "So clueless..."
"Yeah, I get that a lot," said Adam, sheepishly. "It's just how I am."
"Yeah like during your proposal," said Nina. "You just blankly started when I said yes after jokingly saying no."

A/N: Blur is a figure of speech in Malaysia that means clueless. We say that because it's as if the clueless person is in a blur of what's going on.

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