Visiting Kazuya and Jun

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They went to the G Corporation tower and were surprisingly welcomed by the guards because Kazuya had given them full access to enter whenever they wanted.
"Wow it sure feels new to be greeted like this in G Corp," said Nina. "We always had to sneak in if we wanted to enter."
"Where's Kazuya's office, again?" asked Shasha. "I still can't get the hang of this place..."
"Follow me," said Anna, leading the way. "I always got this place muddled up when I was still new here, but now, I know this place like the back of my hand."
"Yeah you get the hang of things fast, don't you..." said Nina. "You were like this since we were kids.
Anna took them to the top floor and then to Kazuya's office. The place was a total maze. They entered Kazuya's office and Jun was still there.
"Well what brings you here now?" asked Kazuya, amiably. "And Miss Alves? What brings you here too?"
They were taken aback by this sudden friendliness from Kazuya, since they were used to seeing him disliking them and chasing the Devil Gene and killing Heihachi, but then quickly recovered.
"Well we wanna find out more about Cosmo's kidnappers," said Anna. "You know, the creators of Gigas?"
"Yes I wanna find out who's the main culprit behind this," said Katarina. "I wanna know why they picked my father out of all the people in this world. There must be a reason behind this!"
"Yes I have the information right here," said Kazuya. "It's in the database."
They crowded behind Kazuya to see what information that he had gathered. He opened a file that had the information about Gigas.

Project Gigas
Name: Gigas
Species: Human (formerly), bio weapon
Physical description (before mutation)
Height: 215 cm
Weight: 250 lbs
Physical description (after mutation)
Height: 215 cm
Weight: 500 lbs
Name: Cosmo Alves
Occupation: Savate master
Family: Katarina Alves (adoptive daughter), real family died in a car accident.
Description: This weapon was found in a Russian army base, led by Sergei Dragunov. The reason for its creation is unknown. This weapon has traces of the Devil Gene as well as animals and DNA of other fighters in its blood. There are DNA of some unknown people and animals. It has also been genetically modified.
Animal DNA found: Various primates, dinosaur, spider, bear
Human DNA: Craig Marduk, Jin Kazama, Heihachi Mishima, Jinpachi Mishima, Kazuya Mishima, King I, King II, Armour King I, Armour King II

"That's a lot of DNA," said Shasha with a whistle. "He had your DNA too?"
"Yes I made them add it in, for extra power," said Kazuya. "But the Devil Gene was already added."
"Must be when Dragunov held Jin hostage during the fifth tournament," said Nina. "It didn't end well for the lab because Jin escaped, destroying the lab in the process..."
"That's when we transported him here," said Kazuya. "And further transformed him."
"Is there anything unique about him?" asked Shasha. "Like physically, as a human?"
"He's tremendously tall," said Kazuya. "And very muscular. That may be the reason they abducted him."
"Hmm that makes sense," said Nina. "He's the tallest fighter that I've ever seen. Maybe because of that."
"Now we should think how we can enter that Russian's military base in Yokohama," said Shasha. "Do you guys know how we should get there?"
"I thought we already discussed this," said Anna. "Like we decided that we take out the guards and steal their uniform."
"Now what are you guys planning?" Jun asked curiously. "Why are you guys always up to something?"
I don't know," said Steve. "Things always seem to happen around us."
"Yeah but I've never faced that kinda thing," said Jun. "I've led a completely normal life."
"Says the one that's born with angelic powers that can fight off the Devil Gene," said Nina with a smirk. "And the one that got attacked by Ogre and became friends with an Angel and moved to another dimension."
Jun was speechless when Nina said that. It was true, Jun lived anything but a normal life. What with the Devil Gene, the attack of Ogre, the Mishima drama, the meeting with Angel, moving to another dimension, she certainly had a very chaotic life.
"Well you're right," said Jun at last. "I didn't have much of a normal life, did I?"
"Well hopefully we will now," said Kazuya. "I want a normal life too, with you and Jin."
The six rode back to Nina's mansion. They decided that they would go to the military base the next day to find Sergei Dragunov and ask him for information.
"But the thing is," said Nina. "The guy doesn't like to speak. He'd probably write us the information or tell us about it in nods."
"Is he mute?" asked Shasha. "It would be okay if he writes them too."
"He's not mute," said Anna. "I've heard him singing one time when he was alone..."
"Yeah I've heard that too," said Steve. "He has a pretty good voice actually..."
"Hopefully he can speak clearly," said Shasha. "And I hope he spits the information out in detail."
"We'll see that he does," said Adam, smacking his fists together. "We'll beat him up."
"And kidnap him!" said Shasha. "Anna, you are bringing your chloroform perfume right?"
"Yes I am," said Anna. "It's very compact, it'll be easy to bring."
"Thank you so much," said Katarina. "I really appreciate your help."
"Well, you did contact me," said Shasha. "I couldn't resist the temptation to solve a mystery."
"Neither can we," said Nina. "It's been a while since there was some real excitement."
"By the way, Katarina," said Shasha turning to her. "Where do you live for now?"
"In a hotel," said Katarina. "I think I have to go now, it's getting late."
"Why don't you stay here for the night," said Nina. "I have a few extra rooms."
"But I don't have any clothes," said Katarina. "They're at the hotel."
"We'll drive you there," offered Anna. "It's not very far, is it?"
"No it's not," said Katarina. "It's okay I'll just go back to the hotel to save you the trouble."
"Nah it's no trouble," said Steve. "We have to buy dinner anyway. So we're going out either way."
"Okay then," said Katarina. "I'll go get my stuff from the hotel."
So they drove to the hotel in Anna's car. It was a cheap hotel near a back alley. The hotel room was small and quite dirty but Katarina didn't mind. She was in a rush to find a place to stay that she didn't mind where she stayed. She brought her luggage and put it in the boot of the car. They bought dinner and went back to Nina's mansion.

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