The interview

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So they decided to have dinner at the diner. Katarina decided to continue telling Anna about her expedition with Bob. Anna listened intently and gave some advice. They chose a table at the diner and Katarina continued.
"Yeah like as I was saying," said Katarina. "Bob really likes..."
The others just looked at each other with an expression of disappointment.
"Katarina..." said Nina, finally. "Could you talk about it later? If you keep this up, you're gonna choke on your food..."
"Yeah and you haven't even touched your food," said Shasha. "Come on, why don't you eat first?"
"Oh yeah I forgot I was hungry," said Katarina while Shasha started snickering and the others just put a hand on their foreheads. "I'm starving!"
"I think I should plan a date with Lee this Saturday," said Anna. "It's been a while since we went on a date together... we've been busy during the past few weekends..."
"Indeed we have," said Nina. "I think me and Adam should go out too."
"When are you two getting married anyway?" asked Katarina. "You're engaged right?"
"Yeah we are," said Nina. "Probably the same date that Jun and Kazuya are remarrying too."
"Wait so they were actually married?" asked Steve and the Williams sisters nodded together. "Wow..."
"The reason why Jun raised Jin in seclusion because everyone had assumed Kazuya was dead," said Anna. "It took him about 20 years to completely heal."
"Why what happened to him?" asked Adam, taking a bite from his meal. "Why did it take so long for him to heal?"
"Well..." began Nina, with a sigh. "Poor Kazuya was thrown into a VOLCANO shortly after the second tournament... Jun was already pregnant with Jin at the time, she didn't exactly know yet, but she could feel it. She was crying to me about it, before I was forced into cryosleep."
"That's sad," said Adam. "Then how did he survive?"
"G Corporation found his remains and resurrected him," said Anna, taking a drink of her chocolate milk. "He offered to be experimented upon for genetic experiments to investigate, determine and harness the true mechanism of the Devil Gene. However, he was betrayed by G Corp right after the fourth tournament, where he and Heihachi were ambushed by a bunch of Jack-4 bots, in Hon-Maru because Heihachi had raided G Corp Nepal on Christmas Day..."
"Kazuya got his revenge by killing all the G Corp executives and taking over their place," said Nina. "So he basically got himself a company because he couldn't get himself to the Mishima Zaibatsu for the time being."
They talked and then left to go back to Nina's mansion.
"So tomorrow's my first day to become a model," said Adam, dolefully. "Wonder how that's gonna end..."
"Good luck with handling Bob," said Nina. "That would be even harder."
"That's what I'm afraid of..." said Adam. "I don't know how I'm gonna cooperate with him..."
The next day, Adam and Bob went to Ace Runway modelling. The place was in between the Mishima Zaibatsu building and the G Corp building. Bob had actually dropped by Nina's mansion to pick up Adam in his red Mercedes Benz. It was a red sedan with gold-coloured stickers at the sides. Katarina ran to him and they started talking non-stop. Bob had climbed out of the car and was talking to her. Adam said nothing, opened the front passenger seat door and pushed Bob in.
"I'll drive," said Adam, getting into the driver's seat, next to Bob. "I know the way to that modelling agency."
"Goodbye Bob!" said Katarina, looking into the car window. "Good luck being a model!"
Adam didn't let him reply, but just hit the accelerator and the car sped off to the main road, heading towards the modelling agency. The others were watching with Katarina. They burst out laughing when Adam climbed in and just sped off, without letting Bob reply. Katarina was there, waving frantically after them. Both of them wore the best looking outfit that they owned.
"Hey what's the rush?" asked Bob, fixing himself up a bit. "You could've at least let me say goodbye..."
"Yeah but I chose not to," said Adam. "But yeah the interview starts early, and it's first come, first served."
"Okay then," said Bob. "I'm so gonna ace it!"
"Yeah like, whatever," said Adam and continued to drive. "You try and suck up to the boss."
So they drove to Ace Runway Modelling and attended the interview. There were many candidates waiting there. They were feeling quite nervous, waiting in the lounge. Adam started texting the others.
Adam: We're waiting for our turn here
Nina: Good
Nina: What's Bob doing?
Adam looked up from his phone, in front of him, where Bob was sitting. They decided to not sit next to each other because they didn't wanna seem like friends. He was taking selfies of himself to send to Katarina.
Adam: He's taking selfies...
Anna: Yeah and Katarina is doing the same thing too
Shasha: Oh god...
Shasha: What's going on now...
Steve: I have no idea
Nina: Adam, stop him from doing that...
Anna: Yeah confiscate his phone
Adam: I can't do that...
Adam: We're sitting far from each other
Adam: Coz we don't wanna appear like friends
Nina: Oh boy...
So the two of them waited for their turns. At last it was Adam's turn and he went into the boss's office. It wasn't the CEO, just the supervisor. Adam nervously entered and sat in front of her. Adam put on his bravest, most confident face and answered her questions.
"So who are you?" asked the interviewer. "Come on, introduce yourself."
"My name is Ad-Dean Earwicker," said Adam, correcting himself quickly. "I'm twenty-six years old this year. I come from London, England."
"Yeah okay," said the interviewer. "Do you have any experience in modelling?"
"No I don't," said Adam, truthfully. "This is my first time."
"Ah a fresh person," said the interviewer, nodding. "Okay what is..."
The interviewer continued asking him questions and Adam answered them as best as he could, without looking nervous. He was sweating a lot and his heart was racing but he just tried to stay calm.
"Okay thank you, Mr Earwicker," said the interviewer, getting up and shaking Adam's hand. "We'll tell you about the results at the end of the interview. Please wait in the meantime. Feel free to go to the cafeteria or go somewhere else, but be sure to return by five."
"Thanks, I will," said Adam, leaving the office. Bob's turn was next and Adam shot him a 'good luck' look while holding up his thumb. He decided to wait for Bob in a cafe across the road. He texted Bob his location and decided to have a coffee there. He barely had breakfast so he ordered something to eat too.
Adam: I'm waiting in the cafe outside
Adam: It's Bob's turn now
Nina: How did you do?
Nina: Did you act clueless?
Adam: Nope
Adam: I did fine
Adam: Not sure about Bob tho
Steve: Pretty sure he would do okay
Steve: He would 'slick talk' the interviewer
Anna: Yeah he would
Anna: The same way he did to Katarina
Anna: ...
Anna: She's not in this group right
Shasha: Nope
Shasha: This is our private group
Shasha: So feel free to gossip about them all you like
They continued texting and Adam didn't realise that Bob was already sitting in front of him. He looked up from his phone and jumped when he saw Bob's grinning face.

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