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The days went by, and soon it was Friday. They were sad that they had to leave that day.
"Wish we can stay one more night..." said Kazuya. "Oh well, all good things must come to an end right?"
"Yes, unfortunately," said Jun. "But it's okay, we'll go for another holiday soon."
"And I'll come!" exclaimed Xiaoyu. "I'll come with you!"
"Yeah okay,"said Jun. "I hope your mom won't get mad if you keep coming with us."
"Nah she won't," said Xiaoyu. "She's glad to be rid of me sometimes..."
"I can see why," said Lars. "You are too annoying sometimes..."
"Hey!" said Xiaoyu with a pout. "That's mean..."
"Let's just get the jet," said Jin, annoyed. "It's at the airport."
So they went to the airport, dragging their luggage towards Kazuya's private jet. Once inside the plane, Jun began to sense something. Kazuya, who was next to her, realised her change in emotion.
"What is it, Jun?" asked Kazuya. "Is something wrong?"
"Kazuya, I can sense it," said Jun. "I sense the same thing again! It's somewhere in here."
"Is it in the jet?" asked Kazuya. "Come on, tell me, if it is, I'm gonna tear whatever it is to pieces!"
Just then, Jun felt it disappearing. All she could sense now is the presence of her family and her friends. She could also sense that something was wrong with Xiaoyu, and that Amber was hiding something too.
"Wonder what's bothering them," thought Jun. "I will ask them about it when we go back home."
After an hour or so, they landed in the Tokyo Haneda Airport. They were waiting for a Mishima Zaibatsu car to come pick them up, but Xiaoyu insisted that she had to use the bathroom.
"Oh come on, please," begged Xiaoyu. "I really need to go... I'll just take five minutes, max! Please?"
"Fine, then," said Jun. "Just go. But come quickly."
"Do you want me to accompany you?" asked Amber.
"No need!" said Xiaoyu, running off. "I'll go by myself."
Xiaoyu was walking out of the ladies bathroom after using it. She was trying to find her way out again, but somehow lost her way.
"Ohhh why don't they have a GPS system that would work here?" asked Xiaoyu, frantically searching her way out. "Oh great, now what should I do?"
She looked for a directory and found one. She found that she wasn't that far from the entrance. She got a text from Jin, saying that the car had already arrived and they were all waiting at the parking lot. So she started walking towards it. She was already at the parking lot and she started looking for the car. Jin had already sent her the license number of the car. So she started looking around for the car. She saw it and started running towards it.
But unfortunately for her, a big van suddenly pulled up in front of her. She was gonna go around it, but failed, because the next thing she knew, she was pulled into it and the door closed as soon as she was inside. She was blindfolded too, and she couldn't see what was going on in the van. She tried screaming for help, but as soon as she tried, a large gloved hand was clapped over her mouth. She couldn't fight back too, because her arms were held tightly. She soon felt something hard hit her head, and was knocked unconscious.
Meanwhile in the Zaibatsu car, the others were impatiently waiting for her. They were annoyed and worried.
"She said she's coming already," said Jin, checking his phone. "But where is she?"
"Try texting her," said Lars. "Maybe she lost her way."
"She isn't replying," said Jin. "She was last seen five minutes ago."
"Oh no what could've happened to her?" said Amber, worried. "Oh I must go and look for her. She might be in danger!"
"What makes you think that?" asked Kazuya. "I'm sure she's fine-"
"No, Kazuya," said Jun. "Amber's right. I sense that thing again. Come on, Amber we'll go look for her."
"What thing?" asked Lars and Jin in unison, not knowing what Jun was saying.
"Kazuya, explain to them," said Jun, getting out of the SUV with Amber. "Come on, Amber. Let's go find her."
Jun and Amber ran back into the airport and to the ladies' bathroom that they saw Xiaoyu enter. It was empty, save for a lady that was fixing her makeup in front of the mirror. They even looked in each one of the stalls, but Xiaoyu was nowhere to be found.
Back in the car, Jin was trying to call Xiaoyu's cell phone so many times, but to no avail, as he was only responded with Xiaoyu's voice telling him to leave a message in voicemail.
"How could this be?!" said Jin, exasperated. "Where ever could this girl have gone? Where is she? Is she pulling a prank on us or something?"
"I don't know," said Kazuya. "Maybe?"
"What was it that Jun-Oneesan asked you to explain to us?" asked Lars. "Is it serious?"
Kazuya sighed and explained the whole situation to them. Lars was shocked when he heard this.
"The thing followed us all the way to HOKKAIDO?!" asked Lars. "It stalked us all the way there?"
"She felt it there too?" asked Jin. "What is it anyway? She told me about it the other day."
"Wait wait," said Lars. "You know about it too? Then how come I'm the only lost one here?"
"Yeah sorry about that, Lars," said Kazuya. "I don't know why Jun didn't tell you."
Just then, Jin received a call from Jun. He picked it up and put it on speaker mode. The others soon heard Jun's worried voice.
"Jin, we cant find Xiao anywhere," said Jun. "We looked all over the place for her. We can't find her! Something has definitely happened to her!"
"Jun, I think we better get home," said Kazuya. "We better think about our next move. We'll try and locate her, somehow."
"Yeah dad's right," said Jin, much to Kazuya's satisfaction, because Jin referred to him as dad. "We should go home, we'll use the satellite radar and find her."
"Okay, we'll be there in a few minutes," said Amber. "I hope Xiao is okay..."
They hung up the call.
"Can you say that again?" asked Kazuya.
"Say what again?" asked Jin.
"Dad," said Kazuya.
Lars gave him a very hard nudge, causing Kazuya to grunt in pain.
"What was that for?" asked Kazuya. "I didn't say anything wrong..."
"Well you did," said Lars. "You weren't much of a good father to Jin, were you?"
"You two..." said Jin. "At a time like this, you decide to make jokes? We don't even know if Xiao is okay or not. We don't even know what happened to her."
"Sorry..." said Kazuya. "It's just that, it was good to hear it."
Jun and Amber soon returned. They looked worried. The driver started driving them back to the Mishima Zaibatsu. On the way there, Jin suddenly received a call. It was from Xiaoyu.
"It's Xiao!" exclaimed Jin, showing the phone to the others. "She's calling me."
"Pick it up, you idiot," said Lars. "Don't just show it to us..."
So Jin picked up the phone and put it on speaker mode. But it wasn't what they were expecting.

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