Hanging out

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"Gah!" exclaimed Adam in surprise, dropping his phone. But luckily he caught it before it reached the floor. "You startled me! By the way, how did your interview with the boss lady go?"
"It went fine," said Bob. "I tried to use my charm on her and she was flattered!"
"I hope one of us make it into the job," said Adam. "It would be a waste of time and energy if we didn't make it in..."
"Yeah it would," said Bob. "But we'll figure something out, won't we?"
"Yeah," said Adam, nodding. "All we gotta do is to do something about the CEO."
"I'd do it for Kat," said Bob and Adam looked surprised. "All she wants is revenge and justice, something that I have a strong sense of."
"She owes me big time!" said Adam. "I never thought about signing up to be a model!"
"Neither did I," said Bob. "But oh well, it's a temporary job..."
Adam secretly hoped that he wouldn't get the job. He rather hoped that Bob made it in, rather than himself.
"What time is it?" asked Adam. "The lady said we've gotta be there by five."
"A quarter to one," said Bob, looking at his watch. "We still have ample of time left."
"Okay so what do you wanna do for the time being?" asked Adam. "Wanna go anywhere or something?"
"Lets just loiter around the mall till we find something to do," said Bob, ordering some food. "Why don't we go for a movie at the cinema? It's pretty nearby, and I heard there's a good movie playing now?"
"Sure, I guess," said Adam. "Anything is better than loitering around the mall with you."
"What is that you said?" asked Bob, not clearly hearing what Adam said because he was busy looking at the menu. "I didn't quite hear you..."
"Oh I said that anything is better than sitting around," said Adam, quickly, when the waiter left. "Oh and you better not forget to call me Dean and I better not forget to call you Ryan..."
"Oh yeah I almost forgot," said Bob. "I almost told the interviewer my real name when she asked me to introduce myself. Luckily I quickly corrected myself..."
"Yeah same," said Adam, taking a sip from his coffee. "Luckily our fake names are similar to our real ones."
"Yeah it's a good thing they almost start with the same syllable," said Bob. "It's funny that we're actually doing this."
They guys went to the nearby cinema to watch a movie in the meantime after paying for their meal at the cafe.
Meanwhile in the Mishima Zaibatsu...
"So did Adam say how his interview went?" asked Katarina. "Bob told me that his went fine."
"Yeah Adam said it went fine," said Nina. "He said that they both plan to spend time in the cinema while waiting for the results."
"Oh okay," said Katarina. "I hope Bob gets the part."
"Hey I've been thinking..." said Anna suddenly. "Why don't we make ourselves a fake identification card? It would come in handy, wouldn't it?"
"Yeah I must say, that's a good idea," said Nina. "I'm pretty free now, since I've completed my work for now. Should we hit the 50th floor and get it done now?"
"You bet," said Anna. "I'm done for now too. Katarina, you wanna have one too?"
"Yeah sure," said Katarina. "What about Shasha?"
"I'll text her now to find out," said Anna, whipping out her phone. "If she agrees, we'll wait for her, or else, we'll just make one for ourselves."
Anna: Yo
Anna: Do u want a fake ID card?
Shasha: What?
Shasha: For what?
Anna: For fun
Anna: N just in case we need it
Shasha: Isn't that like... illegal?
Anna: No no it's very legal
Anna: Unless we get caught
Shasha: Anna...
Shasha: But yeah I want 1 too lol
Anna: Ok, come straight to the Mishima Zaibatsu after school
Anna: Take Nina's car since I brought mine to work.
Shasha: Ok
So they decided to get one as soon as Shasha came they went to the photography room. Steve agreed to have one too.
"What name do you guys want?" asked Nina. "I want mine to be Ellie Wilkerson. What about you four?"
"I want mine to be Fiona Gilberto," said Katarina. "It sounds like a nice name, right?"
"Yeah sure, why not," said Anna. "I want mine to be Linda Hamilton."
"I think I'll take Leonard McGregor," said Steve. "I wanted Dean Earwicker, but that name's taken."
"I'll take Sandra Reese," said Shasha. "I just made that up."
"Okay then," said Nina. "But keep in mind, don't use that name without any purpose, only if we're disguising. Do your hair slightly differently, there's a dressing room next to the photography room."
So that's exactly what they did. They arranged their hair slightly differently. They went into the photography room to have their photo taken. They had their photo taken and then made into ID cards.
"I still wonder why Jin has a fake identification card maker here," said Shasha. "What's worse, they look so legit!"
"I don't know," said Nina. "Maybe for missions or disguising purpose."
"Yeah that's gotta be it," said Anna. "The G Corporation has one too."
So the ID cards were soon made and they were kept safely, in secret. They went for lunch and then wondered what happened at the modelling agency.
Adam and Bob had just left the cinema and had about an hour to spare before going back to the modelling agency.
"Hey wanna grab lunch?" asked Bob. "We still got one hour."
"Yeah sure," said Adam. "We didn't have lunch yet... the meal at the cafe was just... brunch."
So that's what they did, they had lunch at a restaurant near the cinema and headed back to the modelling agency. Adam prayed that he wouldn't get selected. Bob didn't actually mind getting selected.
"Ooow please I don't wanna be a model..." thought Adam to himself. "I don't wanna go to photo shoots, I don't wanna be on the runway..."
They went to the agency and waited at the lounge in front of the boss's office. They waited eagerly for the results. More than one model were to be selected. They had already selected three models the day before and were going to select three more today. They would select three models each day for a week, since they had an upcoming event and didn't have enough male models for it.
So the boss lady suddenly came out of her office, holding a sheaf of papers and a pen.

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