Transporting Dragunov

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The uniformed man left Dragunov's office and saw them waiting. He nodded to them curtly and they nodded back the same way. They walked quietly towards Dragunov's office. The door was closed. They knocked before entering and they saw the Russian's head nod as a permission for them to enter. He looked up at them in surprise when he saw how many of them have entered.
"So tell me," said Katarina. "Why did you take my father and mutate him to become a monster?"
Dragunov looked surprised and raised his eyebrow at her.
"Come on, you know what I mean," said Katarina. "Don't act like you don't know what I'm saying."
There was a red button on the table and he was about to press it. Anna quickly stepped forward and sprayed the perfume on his face, causing him to cough.
"Uh-oh I brought the wrong perfume," said Anna, in shock. "This one's actual perfume, not chloroform..."
"Anna!" shouted everyone in unison while Anna looked guilty. Dragunov looked very surprised and he was still coughing, his eyes were red and burning because Anna's perfume had irritated his eyes.
"You know what?" said Steve walking towards Dragunov. "Let's just knock him out the hard way..."
So with a bonk on Dragunov's head with his fist, Steve knocked the Russian out and he went out cold and fell limp to the floor, unconscious.
"That didn't seem like a hard way," said Nina. "In fact that's the easier way..."
"Is there another way to get out of here besides the main entrance?" asked Adam while helping Steve lift the unconscious Dragunov up. "We will surely get caught if we go out, dragging him around like this..."
"I have an idea," said Shasha, seeing the Russian's military cap on the table. "Let's just put this on his head and pull it low so that his eyes can't be seen. They'd think he's just leading us somewhere and we're following him, hopefully..."
"I have a bad feeling about this," said Anna. "But it's worth a try."
"Yeah your plan failed," said Nina. "Now why didn't you label the bottle?"
"I forgot to," said Anna. "I would usually test it out by spraying it on my wrist."
"And then faint before you can carry out your mission?" asked Nina, annoyed. "You seriously need to organise your weapons."
"Enough talking, lets get moving!" said Steve and Adam together. They were having a hard time carrying the Russian. Then Adam spoke. "So how do we hide the fact that he's unconscious?"
"You should each tie one of your legs to each of his legs," said Shasha. "That way, when you walk, it would look like he's walking too."
"Good idea," said Nina. "Does anyone have rope?"
"I do," said Katarina, while untying a long strand of rope from her waist. "I always have rope tied around my waist when needed..."
"Thank goodness for Katarina," said Anna. "Can we use your sunglasses too? To hide this guy's eyes?"
"Yeah that would work," said Nina. "His closed eyes would be hidden behind the tinted lens."
"Does he have any weapons on him?" asked Shasha. "If he has lets just leave them here."
"I don't think so," said Nina. "The weapons are on the table."
"There's a grenade," said Steve, taking it out. "But only one."
"Yeah the rest are on the table," said Anna, eyeing the table. "There's nothing else right?"
So they made sure he had no weapons on him and prepared Dragunov to be carried back to the car. Steve and Adam had to decide which leg to use when walking to make Dragunov look like he's walking.
"Left, right, left, right," they muttered to each other. "No not right, left, that's right."
He looked kinda weird this way but not as suspicious. They carried him to the lift and rode to the ground floor. On the second floor, two soldiers came in. They nodded curtly at them before entering. Adam pushed Dragunov's head forward too, in a nodding manner. At last, the soldiers went out in the first floor and then they were alone in the elevator on the way to the ground floor. It appeared as if none of the soldiers noticed the unconscious guards in the guardhouse.
"Should we put the uniforms back?" asked Shasha. "I don't wanna bring these back..."
"Let's just leave them there," said Nina, entering the guardhouse. "We don't have to dress them back, just flung them on the floor."
So that's what they did. They left the uniforms on the floor and left the base.
"Are you sure this is a good idea?" asked Shasha. "Like are you sure the soldiers won't chase us or something?"
"I don't think so," said Nina. "It's time for them to go too, saw how they were bustling out before we left? They'd just think Dragunov left early for the day, I hope..."
"I hope so too," said Anna. "I don't wanna be mixed up in some dangerous stuff..."
"You two wait here with the guys," said Nina. "We'll go get the car. Come on, Anna."
She and Anna sped off in the direction of the car. Shasha and Katarina waited for them with Steve and Adam, who were carrying the unconscious Dragunov. They waited for what felt like ages.
"There were soldiers coming out of the base. They hadn't noticed them waiting for the sisters to arrive with the car.
"Houston, we've got a problem," said Shasha. "There are still some soldiers coming out and I hope they haven't noticed us."
"They haven't," said Katarina. "If they have, they'd be after us by now."
They hid behind the fence that was surrounding the base. The sisters soon came back with the SUV. Nina was driving. She and Anna got out of the car, helped the others to get in with the unconscious Russian and they sped off to a safe distance away before tying Dragunov up and locking him in the boot.
"Oh finally," said Steve. "My legs were getting sore with trying to walk with one of my legs tied to the Russian's."
"Same here," said Adam. "This guy is heavy..."
Adam took the wheel this time and they drove back to Tokyo. It was already evening and the sun was setting. There had been a traffic jam, that extended their time on road, but it wasn't that bad. The road soon cleared away and they drove back to Tokyo as fast as they could. They drove to the G Corporation building and went to the interrogation room with the help of Anna. The guards looked surprised when they saw them dragging the unconscious and tied up Dragunov but they didn't ask why. The interrogation room was on the same floor as Kazuya's office and the others went there while Anna went to look for Kazuya and tell him that they were going to use the interrogation room.
"You guys go ahead," said Anna, rushing off. "I'll go and tell Kazuya about this."
They found the interrogation room and it was dimly lit, giving a mysterious vibe to whoever that was there. They set Dragunov on the chair and tied him up firmly on it.
"Hopefully he won't escape," said Nina, tying a tight knot. "So when do we interrogate him? Definitely not now, he's still out cold..."
"I think we'll leave him here," said Steve. "Maybe we can ask some guards to keep an eye on him?"

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