"Never made him go before," she muttered.

Alice shrugged, attempting to keep her expression neutral. Content. "Well, maybe something changed."

"He's such an arsehole." Emily groaned. "You remember what he did to you in Year Eight?"

Alice sighed, a flash of a memory of Finn's lips against hers ripped through her mind. "Let's not talk about that."

"I don't understand him," Heather's nasally voice sounded. She stuck her nose in the air, her hazel eyes wide with pretentiousness. "He acts like he hates it all. He's a Cauley. If I were a Cauley, I'd love it."

Jason and Grace nodded eagerly beside her, speaking in sync. "Same."

Grace's smile grew at the thought. "I mean, have you seen his house? It's like a suburb. I mean, I heard his parents have connections in the White House."

"I wouldn't be surprised," Jason said, his chin raised. "The Cauley dinners are legendary. I heard Kylie Minogue went to one. Finn Cauley is a right idiot to not attend."

"He's a right idiot in general. Nobody just disappears from high society," Heather pitched in. "Don't you think so, Alice?"

Alice fought a sigh. Of course, they would say that. They didn't realise how tiring it really was—how exhausting this constant façade of politesse felt. She could relate to Finn, although she'd never admit it. She knew the pressure it was to uphold the family name.

Instead, she vaguely remarked, "I guess so."

Emily's head snapped to her. Her eyes narrowed as if she could read Alice's thoughts. Alice shifted beneath her gaze, but a moment later, Emily came to a stop, turning to face the others.

"Why don't you guys go ahead?"

Grace and Jason exchanged a look, as if they really didn't want to leave, before facing Alice. Their brows were drawn together, like they were asking for permission.

Alice's lips curved politely, and she nodded, causing the pair to smile eagerly and turn.

"We'll see you, Alice!" they echoed with wide grins.

The pair turned to walk down the hall, but Heather stayed in her place. Emily turned to her next, raising a brow.

"Heather," she began pointedly. "I'll see you in class."

Heather quirked a thin brow, then smacked her lips, crossing her arms and turning to leave. "Whatever."

Emily pursed her lips at their retreating backs, then spun to meet Alice's eyes.

"Are you okay?" she asked, her brow furrowed with worry.

Alice kept up her smile. "I'm fine, why do you ask?"

"Well," Emily began slowly, shifting unsurely on her feet. Her eyes flickered to the ground, then back up to Alice's. "I noticed you were avoiding Theo all night on Friday. Did something happen?"

Alice peered around the hall. Almost everyone had dispersed—after all, class was to begin in only a few minutes—so she sighed, letting her shoulders slump slightly and her façade fall a little.

"He's just being Theo." She shrugged nonchalantly, as if the night hadn't affected her all weekend. As if she hadn't stayed curled in her bed, replaying his words over and over. As if she hadn't scrubbed her skin raw, feeling his fingers ghosting over her thighs. "He'll get over it, I'm sure."

"Really? I mean... He didn't do anything, did he?" she asked.

Alice shook her head quickly. "No. No, of course not."

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