But he appreciated the sentiment, so he gave him a slight smile "Thanks, but there is so much standing between us and a happy ending. I don't want to sound like a dream killer, but no matter how much I would wish for it, there is no future in which we could be together and be open about it."

"I said before that you don't know that," Magnus replied softly, taking Alec's hand into his "And even if there isn't, the best we can do is take this one problem at a time. Overcoming all those barriers at once might be overwhelming but taking them down one by one is not impossible."

He sighed and nodded, but still didn't believe that he could have what he dreamed of. Maybe Magnus would live to see change and would someday be able to openly love a Shadowhunter, but chances were that Alec would be long dead by then.

It wasn't that he didn't believe that it was possible, but this war had been going on for hundreds of years and it was not likely that there would be peace and respect between warlocks, vampires, werewolves and shadowhunters during his lifespan.

"Maybe you're right," Alec eventually told Magnus and leaned in for a kiss, not wanting to discuss this any further. They were, hopefully, far away from having to figure out a solution for the problem of him going back to Idris.

What started out soft got heated quickly and he was gently pulled onto Magnus lap while he buried his hands in the spiked up hair. Alec felt warm, delicate hands slip under his shirt and shuddered at the pleasant feeling of Magnus' fingers on his skin.

He had never been intimate with anyone before, the thought had even scared him a little. But that was before he had met Magnus. With Magnus' everything just felt right, felt amazing, no matter how new and foreign it was to him.

When they broke apart Alec saw an unspoken question in Magnus' eyes. He felt his warm hands pushing up the hem of his shirt slightly and nodded. Pulling his fingers out of Magnus' hair he found himself unable to stop looking into those beautiful eyes.

Alec wasn't even feeling cold when Magnus helped him to get rid of his shirt and he moved in to kiss him once again, as soon as he was free of the material. He was used to being shirtless around other people, he had done it countless times when training, but somehow it made his whole body heat up now.

He had no idea where this was going, but he trusted Magnus and right now it just felt good, he didn't want to stop what they were doing. Once again he shuddered when he felt hands run up and down his, now bare, back.

It was a nice feeling, one of those he had never experienced before, but didn't want to miss now that he knew it. One of those feelings only Magnus could make him feel. He left his eyes closed for a moment when they ended the kiss again, just enjoying the sensation.

When he opened them again he saw Magnus looking down at his chest. He felt blood rush to his face, it wasn't that he was embarrassed. But this was the first time that someone he cared about looked at him this way. It was obvious that Magnus liked what he saw and that was probably the reason why his cheeks were warming up.

Magnus looked back up at him, while he ran his hands along Alec's sides and up to his stomach "I have to say those runes look very good on you. What is this one for?" he asked, tracing the black mark on his right forearm.

"It's called the soundless rune," Alec explained, savoring the way Magnus warm fingers felt, retracing the rune again and again while he was talking "It enabled me to not make any sound when moving. So no one can hear me."

Magnus went on to do the same thing with every rune and Alec explained every single one to him, surprised he was able to remain such a calm voice with the gentle fingers caressing his skin and the pleasant sensation of it.

It was new to him that someone paid so much attention to his runes, but all of this was new to him. It was an amazing feeling, to know that Magnus' interest was sincere and honest. Along with the soft touches, he didn't think he ever felt better than right now.

When Magnus was done tracing the last mark on his stomach, the parabatai rune, Alec kissed him again, having already waited too long to feel his lips on his own. He cupped Magnus' face with his hands, loving the feeling of the smooth skin under his fingers.

Time passed with them doing nothing else than exchanging tenderness and kisses until Alec remembered that he shouldn't forget the time. As much as he wanted to stay here on the couch with Magnus the whole night, he knew he couldn't do that.

"I don't like that frown on your face," Magnus whispered, instantly causing him to smile a little. Alec knew that he didn't want him to leave either, but yet his voice was so soft and he hadn't pushed him to stay a single time.

He always ended up leaving without wanting to but knowing that he needed to get going. He knew that he would get to see Magnus again the next day, but time seemed to pass by too quickly when they were around each other.

"We can continue tomorrow," Magnus offered with a smile that revealed that he would like that very much "There are still some runes on you that I don't yet know the meaning of." At that comment he let his eyes run up and down Alec's chest and it made him feel all warm inside once again.

"Is that a promise?" Alec asked grinning, not moving away from Magnus even one inch. He knew that he had to get ready for the night, but in all honesty, he didn't want to leave. He wanted to spend the whole night here, or at least some more hours.

"If you want it to be," Magnus replied and softly kissed him again, pulling away too soon for Alec's liking. "Now go do your job Shadowhunter. I'll be there to pick you up tomorrow."

He smiled and kissed Magnus once more, before getting up and grabbing his shirt. They were always meeting up by his room about half an hour after Alec was done with work so he could get showered and changed.

It was a nice feeling, having some hours with Magnus to look forward to. Besides the two days when Magnus hadn't been here, they had always spent time together when Alec was free. He wondered what Magnus did with the rest of his time, but he had never asked, not wanting to slip into topics they were both trying to avoid.

He put on his shirt and smiled at Magnus once again before he turned towards the door "Good night Magnus," before he could make his usual reply Alec went on "Don't worry. I'll be careful and look out for myself."

Even though he wanted nothing more than to stay he made his way out of the apartment and back to his room, where George was already asleep in. Alec got his gear and got ready, once again hoping that he could make some progress.

He had been here for two weeks now and the only interesting thing he had found was the underground hallway with the ravener demons. Thanks to Magnus' tour he knew where the living quarters were and knew to avoid that area. But still, it was time that he got closer to finding the archives and get into them unseen.

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