Can you hear me

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"What can I do, I don't want to lose anyone" A kind voice whisper back....

Give it time, remember Roman wasn't build in a day....

Your fears, are justified but know no harm befell you....

I know, you desire to help but remember you can only do so much if the other person in unwilling to do their part....

Don't be shame of you emotions, I give them to you for reason....

Breathe, you won't lose anyone, but remember sometime you have to love someone from a distance....

By: Victoria Santizo

This poem is dedicated.... To the struggle of past ten day's....
I wish things could be different but it not my place to fix what doesn't want to be fix. I realize no matter how I want everyone to get along, I must accept not everyone meant to be apart of your life. It doesn't mean you stop loving them or pray for them, it just mean  it safe if the person wasn't around.

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