Warrior Soul

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People say, I should let go, and move pass the pain....

But, I always know, deep down it could never be that easy....

People say, I need to fight to live, but they don't want to see...

I'm to burn, from this war called life....

I been fighting, for too long, my soul is too wound to every be fix....

I have been a warrior all my life, fought battle, no one has seen, carried scar's, that can't be healed....

I have been, close to death door, more times then I care, to admit....

I have meet, the devil to know for a fact that god is real....

It take me years to deal, and realize what I know now....

That pain, is just another emotion, not the ruler of one self....

Also that all live matters, cause we all deserves to live....

And, the soul can always be fix, If you allow love into your heart....

Remember, god promised to never, give you more then you can, handled....

And remember their always rainbow after the storm....

By: Victoria Santizo

This poem is dedicated.... To my warrior soul and the trails and it took to become one.... If I can do it, and didn't have a reason to live for the longest time. Then so can you, even if it  as simple as take it one day at a time. Don't ever give up, you deserve to live, the life you were meant to live. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise, even if that person is yourself. One day soon you realize it was all meant to build you up, stronger then you were before.  (New poem)

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