Little Lies

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The lies fell off,
Our lips,
Like a second language,
To which we,
Master since birth,
The little lies we tell,
Are self to make,
Sense of what,
We don't wish,
To believe,
We hide from,
The little secret,
That kills us inside,
And run from a truth,
That is all too real,
For in that moment,
We choose a reality,
That is nothing like,
Our own,
So the lies fell off,
Our lips and travel to,
Those that wish to,
Believe in them

         By: Victoria Santizo

This poem was born from a lot of a different moments in my life. Their are times my love for someone will blind to the truth that was right in front of me. And their are time when lies have been spread about me, that other believe to be true, without so much as a gain of true to be found.

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