Chapter 37

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"Daddy!" Taissa and Emma yell, as they run down the hall towards their father, Laura following behind them carrying Sabrina in her arms.

Chris smiles as soon as he sees them. He had called Laura last night about the news, and she agreed to watch them for the night and bring them in the next morning to see their mother and new baby brothers.

He was a little worried about how the girls would be staying the night at Laura's, especially as she still lives with her parents for the time being, and because their house is already packed with kids, the youngest being around seven months (Chris thinks). But everything seemed to have been alright.

"Hey, girls!" He says, kneeling down to hug his girls. "You want to see mommy and your little brothers?"

"Yes!" Both Taissa and Emma say.

"Well go on then." Chris says, getting up. "But remember to be quiet, and don't scare your brothers, okay?"

"Okay!" The girls say, before making their way into the room.

Chris watches them go before turning back to Laura. "Thank you so much for watching them, Laura." He says. "I'm not sure what we would have done without you."

He's definitely going to have to pay her more than usual this time for watching them for the night at such short notice. Even if she tries to refuse the raise.

Laura smiles, handing Sabrina over to Chris as she makes grabby hands towards her father. "It's no problem, Chris." She assures him. "They're great girls, and it's always a joy to be able to look after them for you and Seb." She says. "And to tell ya the truth, I think mom enjoyed having three extra kids in the house too."

"It wasn't too hard on him, was it?" Chris asks. "I kinda feel bad for how short notice this all was."

That's what he was most worried about, that having three extra kids in the house might be a bit rough on Laura's mother, Bucky. He and Steve already have all their kids living in their house still except for their oldest son, Nathaniel, and they've also got one of their daughter, Harvey's son in the house as well. It's just a good thing that their house is big enough for the lot of them.

Laura shakes her head. "Nah. He used to be an elementary school teacher. He could handle it." She says. "Well, he was a substitute teacher. He was planning on going back, but then Juliet came along."

Chris nods, glad that it was all fine on Bucky to have three extra kids in the house. Though he wasn't aware that Bucky used to be an elementary school substitute teacher. At least that means he can handle watching a lot of kids.

"So how's Sebastian?" Laura asks.

"Seb's alright." Chris says. "Tired and sore mostly, but he'll be okay."

Of course Sebastian's going to be okay. He always is. Though he'll no doubt get little sleep in the coming months - they both will really - but he'll live.

"Want mama!" Sabrina whines, pointing off towards the door to Sebastian's hospital room Taissa and Emma had ran into.

Chris smiles at her. "You want to see mommy, Bina?"

Sabrina nods, wriggling in Chris's hold as she continues to point off towards Sebastian's hospital room. And as soon as Chris walks into the hospital room with Laura following behind him, Sabrina makes grabby hands towards Sebastian as soon as she sees him.

Chris takes her over towards Sebastian, and sets her down on the bed as Sebastian motions for him to do so.

"Chris, your mom just called." Sebastian says. "She said that she and your father will be here soon. No word from your sisters or Scott yet though, but I'd expect it won't be long until we hear from them."

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