Chapter 13

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"Chris, I need you to go off to the shop to get a few things." Sebastian calls from in the kitchen where he's currently occupied with baking a cake for Emma's third birthday. "And take Taissa and Emma with you."

"Alright. What do I need to get?" Chris asks, walking into the kitchen, finding Sebastian putting a cake in the oven, and he almost looks as though he's gotten flour all over him.

Sebastian walks over to the table, taking off the oven mits he was previously wearing to put the cake into the oven, and to take a tray of cookies out. He grabs a piece of paper off the table, and hands it to Chris.

"I've written you a list of things to get." He states. "And, do not get the wrong things." He says. "I know you have a tendency to buy the wrong things, or extra things, so make sure you only get the items that are written down on this list."

Chris nods, reading through the shopping list that he's been handed. He can find everything in the right brands easy enough. Well, maybe except for a couple things that he'll need to actually search through the shelves a bit more than other stuff. But the majority of the items on the list he can get easily enough.

"Alright." He nods. "And you want me to take Taissa and Emma with me?" He asks. "What about Sabrina?"

Sebastian shakes his head. "Just Taissa and Emma." He says. "My mom is watching Sabrina while I do all this baking before everyone gets here."

"Alright." Chris nods. "Remind me, who exactly are coming over?" He asks, needing a refresher on who is coming over for Emma's third birthday. He knows that it's not exactly any kids Emma's age, apart from cousins, but apart from that, he's quite forgotten who.

"Let's see..." Sebastian starts, trailing off. "There's your parents, your brother, your sisters and their families. Anthony, and Scarlett." He says. "Though, I think Scar is bringing someone with her."

"Right." He nods. "Wait, has Scar found someone then?"

Sebastian shrugs. "She said they're only in the beginning stages of their relationship. But she believes that he could be the one." He says.

Chris nods, glad that Scarlett seems to have found someone, even if they are only in the early stages of their relationship. Though he has to admit, that he would've thought that Scarlett would've stayed single for awhile longer. He never exactly pictured her to be the type to settle down just yet, so whoever this guy is that she's found must be the one.

Though, even if Scarlett has found someone, he doubts she won't be having any kids straight away. He knows very well that she's still very focused on her modelling work, and she is still quite young. He doesn't really picture her having kids just yet.

"Alright." Chris starts, reading through the list once more. "I'll go get the girls ready, then we'll be off to the store to get these."

Sebastian nods, wiping all the flour off his pants. "Alright." He says. "I'll just, be here baking." He glances over towards the mess on the bench, frowning. "And cleaning up all this mess." He sighs, before shaking his head and turning back to Chris. "Make sure you get everything on the list, and nothing else."

"I will, don't worry, Seb." Chris assures him, kissing him quickly, before heading off to her Taissa and Emma to get them to get ready to go out to the store.

As soon as Chris leaves the room, Sebastian turns back to the bench which is literally covered in flour, and just a mess in general. He really doesn't want to have to clean it all up just yet, but he's going to need the bench space for the cake so he can decorate it. And then he's going to need room to make the cupcakes...

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