Chapter 10

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"Seb, your hair looks fine." Chris says, looking over at Sebastian, who sat in the passengers seat fixing up his hair yet again. "Now, come on. I don't want to be late."

Sebastian glances over at him. "Chris, we're half an hour early." He says. "I doubt your boss and those other guys will even be here yet."

In a way, Chris supposes that Sebastian's right. The guys that are meeting them about the job might not be there yet, but he's got a feeling that his boss might be. Chris knows that Steve likes to be somewhat early.

"Well, I think Steve might already be in there with Bucky, Sebastian." Chris sighs. "Not sure about the other guys that we're meeting about the job though."

Sighing, Sebastian decides that his hair is good enough for now, and turns in the seat to look at Chris. "Alright then." He sighs. "We'll go inside now then." He decides. "I'm hungry right now anyway, so we might as well head on in."

Chris smiles in success, before getting out of the car. Sebastian following suit a bit more slowly. He's still not keen on even being here, but Sebastian is going to have to suck it up, and just deal with it. Plus, their food is being paid for, so that's one good thing about this whole night.

Though, the night will be much better if Chris ends up getting this job. Sebastian has faith that Chris will get the job. He's possibly one of the best architects that works for Steve Rogers.

Once they've locked the car, the both of them are heading off inside the restaurant, to hopefully be able to locate Steve and Bucky. Thankfully it doesn't take them too long to locate Bucky over by the bar getting drinks. Where Steve is though, they're not sure, but they're assuming that he's seated over at the table already waiting for them.

As Bucky notices Sebastian and Chris approaching him, he turns around and smiles as he sees them. "There you two are!" He exclaims, before taking a long sip of the drink in his hands, as he makes his way over to them. "Okay, first, don't tell Stevie that this is my fourth glass of chardonnay." He says. "He'll freak if he finds out I'm already on my fourth and we've only been here for about half an hour now."

Sebastian smiles at the other omega standing in front of him, who seems to be using alcohol to take his mind off this dinner type meeting that his alpha has dragged him along to. He knows that Bucky isn't really all that familiar with architectural work that his husband, Steve Rogers, is involved with, just as much as he himself isn't.

Chris is the architect here, not him. All Sebastian is, is a stay at home mom. He hardly even understands why he had to even go to this meeting with Chris. But on the bright side, he get's to spend some time with another omega. Even if Bucky is fifteen years older than himself.

"Are these people here about the contracting job yet?" Chris asks, as he and Sebastian follow Bucky off towards the table at the back of the restaurant where Steve is waiting for them.

Bucky looks over his shoulder at him, shrugging. "I dunno." He shrugs. "I don't got anythin' to do with Stevie's line of work." He says. "All I am, is the architect's husband. Plus, 've been over by the bar for the past twenty minutes or so drinkin' three glasses of chardonnay in secret."

Not too long afterwards, they've made it over to the table at the back of the restaurant a bit further away from the rest of the tables, where Steve is sitting waiting for them. Though, the people that are meeting them about the new contracting job don't appear to have arrived yet.

Sebastian notices Steve frown as soon as he catches sight of the glass in Bucky's hand. "Bucky." Steve sighs. "What number glass is that?" He asks, as Bucky sits down at the table next to him, while Sebastian and Chris sit across from the both of them, leaving four empty seats around the table for the people they're meeting with.

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