Chapter 16

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"Daddy!" Is the first thing that Chris hears as soon as the front door to the house opens.

Looking up from his phone, he sees Taissa running over to him where he lay stretched out on the couch. He had just finished his work for the day, and had decided to just rest on the couch out in the living room watching TV while he waits for Sebastian and the girls to get home.

"Hey, sweetheart." He says, sitting up. "Did you and your sisters have fun?" He asks.

Taissa nods. "Mommy adopted a new little kitten!" She exclaims. "Her name's Nala, and she's like a tiny version of Muffy!"

It takes Chris a bit longer than it should have for him to realize what Taissa had said. But when it does, he's up off the couch and running outside.

"Sebastian!" Chris yells, standing outside the door, arms folded across his chest as he watches Sebastian jump away from the car in fright. "Just what have you gone and done?" He asks.

He doesn't mean to sound threatening in anyway, but he must've given Emma a fright, as she hides behind Sebastian's legs.

Sebastian shifts uncomfortably, looking anywhere but at Chris. "Uh, got a new family member?" He says, but it comes out more like a question.

Chris frowns, before walking over to him, and Emma runs off inside the house. He's going to have to apologize for scaring her like that. He didn't mean to scare her though. He really didn't.

"I hope you're going to apologize to Emma for scaring her like that." Sebastian says, watching as Emma runs into the house.

"Yeah, I will. Don't worry." Chris assures him. "Now... You got another fucking cat?" He questions.

Sebastian nods, scratching at the back of his neck. "I couldn't help it, Chris." He says. "She was the only kitten there! I couldn't just leave her!"

Chris supposes that he can understand why Sebastian couldn't just leave the little kitten there on her own. But why he didn't call him first, is what Chris fails to understand. Usually they consult each other first before doing things like this.

"Why didn't you tell me you were going to do this before you adopted her?" Chris asks. "And you and I both agreed that the next pet we get would be a dog, not another cat!"

"I uh...." Sebastian trails off. He's not entirely sure why he didn't call Chris about adopting a new kitten. Though, there was the fact that he didn't really want to disturb Chris while he was working. "I didn't want to disturb you while you were working."

Chris sighs shaking his head. He guesses that's a fair enough reason, but he really wishes that he had called him about it first, and not just go ahead and adopt the kitten.

"Alright." He sighs, shaking his head. "I'm not exactly happy about this, Seb." He starts. "But I'm not going to make you send the kitten back to the SPCA. I don't hate cats that much to make you send her back right after adopting her." He says. "Though, have you considered how Muffy will react to this?"

"Well, uh.... A little...." Sebastian trails off.

He has considered how Muffy may react to a new kitten in the house, and he's not completely sure how he'll react exactly. Though, he knows that Muffy won't try to kill the kitten. With any luck, he won't be that interested and just not give a damn about her.

Chris sighs at that. "Well, let's just hope he doesn't try to attack her." He says. "He's not exactly friendly with any of the neighborhood cats. Or dogs for that matter."

"Actually, there's this stray black-and-white cat that's been hanging round that Muffy seems to be okay with." Sebastian says, as he goes to get Sabrina - who had fallen asleep sometime on the drive back home - out of her car seat, and carefully handing her to Chris.

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