A Gentle Reminder To Not Be A Dick.

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( No one POV)

Izuku Midoriya, was a strange kid when he was alive to say the least. He analyzed the crap out of everyones quirks, even random people he saw on the street. Which was actually quite useful in self defense against his 'kacchan'. All Midoriya wanted was to help, what a pure soul. But sadly, the world couldn't spare the slightest hint of happiness for him. He was born quirkless in a world were supernatural powers domanatiod everyones calictive cretisisom. If you had a powerful quirk, you were highly respected. If you were delt with a bad or non-useful quirk, you were treated like they were useless, or something that should just ceice to exist.

His ex best friend on the other hand, was blessed with a flashy, powerful quirk. Called explosion. he sweats a nitroglycerin type substance that reacts to the air around it by exploding. He can launch himself into the air, shoot small exploding bullets at people, or can just create chain relations and make really large explodiotions.

You may ask, athour why are you telling me this, just get on with the get on with the goddamn book already. And to that I say, first calm down. and two, because of quirk decrimination. Take shinous quirk for example, he has a very powerful and useful quirk, yet every one calls him a villain. Or in worst cases, Midoriya. He was quirkless and guess were he ended up? Dead in a forest.

But, this all happening in the world of my stupid ass fan fiction rightright? I couldn't possibly be able to compare this afull decrimination to real life, right?

Well dear reader, your mistaken. Sadly, This decrimination is happening in our world right now. Just look back a couple years ago and the most powerful men, and the most highly respected men owned countless slaves. And the anti-gay stuff happening a couple years back.

Obviously no one is being called a loser in our world because of not having a quirk, in that case everyone would be a loser. But there are some aful things that people call other people to make fun of them just because they like guys, and they are a guy. Or is there skin color is slightly darker than the bully's.

Be like the Cannon deku, stand up for your self, and never stop doing what makes you happy. And beat up the bakugou that's bullying you like deku did. (Please don't do that)

And if your going through a hard time, either try to distract your self in a none destroive way, or talk to someone. Maybe even do a bit of self refelcting.

Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.


Sorry for this filler chapter, I wrote this at 2 a.m.
I'm slowly dying on the inside. ᕕ(ಥʖ̯ಥ)ᕗ

Word count: 479

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