getting in for him (4)

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(Time skip brought to you by Izukus dead dad :) )

  I have been taking Deku's death pretty hard, I can't stop, I feel like it's my fult, and I know, it fully is. 'I hope hes injoying the after life.' I think to myself as I enter the classroom.
  The teacher walks in a couple minutes after I do. "Okay class, some pro heros are here to evalulate you." I look up from were I was doddling.
     I have been paying closer attention but I still can't stop myself from spacing off in class. Sometimes missing intire lessons. But I have been trying harder in class sence his death. I look up to see the pro heros, Midnight, Bloodking, Eraserhead, and a few others.
   'I have to get into U.A, to make him proud.' I think as I get up out of my seat, and follow the pros with the rest of the class to the outdoor gym. (Idk is there real outdoor gyms?)

   "Ok, we will be testing your skill, stregth, and overall will to be a hero." Says Eraserhead in the most uninthuseastic voice I've ever heard.

   I would have normaly said some cocky bullcrap, but ever sence Dekus death I have been trying not to be the center of attention, but thats hard to do when you look like a pissed-of pomeranian most of the time.

  When it was over, the ranking were showen on the white bord (there out of 100 btw) greatest to least, Kasuki Bakugo-96 Ediro haku-43 Hideo kumifaye-32 Sayia.....

    All The pros looked over to me, kinda embarssing, "wow, OK. I would like to recomend one of your kids." Midnight stated. Everyone turned to look at me, again kinda embarassing.

   "Ah, I'm asuming you want to recomend Bakugo, correct?" the teacher says to the pros, they just nod.

"Bakugo can you come up here, please?" He asks kinda scared, probaly because of my score. I stand up and slowly sounter toward the front of the class. "Your score is almost fully perfect!" bloodking Says . All I can muster the curege to say is, "Thanks."

  "Welcome to U.A kasuki Bakugo"

Finally Done! Time to start the Drama!
Word count: 370

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