Breaking The News (1)

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   'Odd.. the nerd is usually here first, eh, no need to worry.' I thought to myself as I sat down and stared at Deku's desk.
The rest of the extras started to trickle in, but something was off. 'Deku is late. He's never late, weird...' My thoughts were cut off by the stupid teacher. But again, something was off.

The dirtbags face looked, disturbed...? It just looked off. He started talking, and for once, I was listening.
"Class." He stated "One of are beloved student was sadly..." 'He chocked on his words, this is bad... wait...' my thoughts were cut off once agian by the teacher before I could put two and two together. "Found dead in shirin forest, I am sorry but Izuku midorya is gone."

    'No, DEKU!' I thought as the entire class, includeing me almost stared crying. Those dirt bags. Never bothers to help deku when he's getting bullied, yet cry when he dies. I may be being Hippocraticacal but damn.
"You can...have...been dismist" the teacher stated, stuttering. Leaveing the class completly shell shocked. 'No No No No No No...this can't... he can't...' then, like someone slaped me in the face, relized, I was no one with out the little nerd. Every thinging that I knew about myself, was tied to the nerd. Walking home after THAT is a hurculem task.
    My legs felt they were about to give in, And at this moment I wish they would. 'I'll make you proud' I said mentelly 'Ill be number one, for you!' And at that, this, moment I stared crying.

Boom. Done. This was recently updated, thank you for reading. -Yachi

Note One: Spell Check.

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