Shitpost One

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*Deep inhale* so, some commenters on this book have been asking "how can he eat chocolate if he's dead?". Good question. Have a shit post about the simmatics of ghost choco.

(Choco POV, yes I'm doing this.)

   The boy was running quickly through the forset, trees went past swiftly, tears streaming out of his eyes, and there I was. Sitting firm in his pocket.

   He stopped to take a breath, and collapsed, his body fell flat as his head hit the ground. His eyes closed and he exhaled. Then stopped breathing.

   I still held my position in his pocket, but I was being crushed, I couldn't breath. My rapper was being crinciled and my chocolate was crunched.

   And that's how I died, under my capture, alone. With a dead body on top of me.

(Y'all happy?)

˙˚ʚ(Bad Decisions)ɞ˚˙ ||On Hold||Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora