Welcome (5)

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'Hmmm...' I think as I wonder the halls of a school that I don't go too, you know, like a soicopath.
    I only remeber the base-line information on who I used to be, All I know is that my mostly alive human name was Izuku Midoriya, I had a best a best friend who, when they relized I was the weak wannabe that I was, bullied my quirkless ass into the ground.

   And lastly, I have a mum. God, I'm such a deadbeat, I cant even remember my own mums name, only that she existed.
      I let out out a sigh, I am so done with everything. I wish there was an after, after life. Like death, but twice. Yeah that sounds really good right now, were can I send a requst to god about that.

   I just wonder around a school that, for all I know,  I dont go to. with a half eaten chocolate bar in my mouth. ya know, like fu*king sociopath. because what else is there to do, really? ( and yes athour-sama is going to use that joke alot so sue me.)

  As I look across the walls of the school, I look into multipule award stands, medel hangers and placks. But most inportintly, photos of the earler years. Weirdly, Whenever I walk this hall I'm drawn to a photogragh of a first year class. Beneth the photo, it reads, 1984. 'huh, I dont feel any conetion to that year, mabe someone in the photo was like my dad or something.' I thought as I took a closer look at the class. Most of the people one the plack are people that I just skimed over, untill I layed my eyes on a name, Yagi Toshinori.

  I dont know why but, I just loved the photo of him. For no reason, mabe an uncle or an admireable hero or something. I decided not to read to much into it and go back to 1-A.

   Bakugo's POV

As I get off the train all I can see is flash backs of Deku, like the time I fell of the sorry exuse for a brige and he tried to help me and I just swaded his hand away, or all the times I called him a quirkless wannabe, or..

   My thought were cut off by some people who seemed to be wering a U.A uniform. 'Probaly students in my class, I should say hi.' I thought as I abruptly stood up and walked over to them to try and inishate a decent coversasion.

"Hi, are you going to U.A too?" I say to a really cute girl with a round face thats shaped with her puffy brown hair.

"How did you know?"she says with a cofused yet kind look plastered on her adorable face.

"Oh, your uniform." I say uninsuthaticly but intriged.

"Ah, well whats your name?" She says with a cute smile.

"Oh. Um, Bakugo." I say wishing not to imbarse myself, like an idiot. "Whats yours?"

  "Uraraka!" She says with an exided smile. I wonder how she smiles through life, how she faces the world that only kills the good people with a positive aditude. How she-

  I was cut off by her asking, "what class are you in?"

"Umm.. 1A, I think?" I say trying and uturely failing at not sounding like an idiot.

"Oh me too!" She says smiling.

  And then the train anounses that were at our stop, I lose uraraka in the croud of freashman.

  I finely get a stable footing on the ground, after uturely failing at croud surfing. I took a moment to bask in the glory of the school that I've always wanted to go to, but more importently, to me at least, is that this is the school that I vowed with deku when we were younger, that we would go too and become heros togther. And here I am, walking the halls alone.

Whoooo finished!!!!!! I can sleepppp!!!

Shout out to SeNd HeLp !

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