Prologue (backstory)

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    (Deku's point of view)

  It all happend so fast, first Kacchan burned my hero book that took me years to make, then my life flashed before my when I encountered the slime villian that nearly killed me, and then I met  All Might, the hero I've looked up to since before Kacchan started bullying me. and he said, "A quirkless can't become hero."

       And here we are, or should I say here I am, running through the woods, on the brink of death, trying to get away. Away from the thoughts that constently haunt my mind, away from what All Might said, away from Kacchans words, away from all the, "QUIRKLESS" and the "I'M SORRY IZUKU'S".
  I sigh, 'is this really how I die?' I thought to myself welts running. I can barly run any more. But I am, I don't know why I am any more, but I am. and then, suddenly I hear a 'thud' and all I feel is numb.

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