The thought made my heartbeat flutter ever-so slightly. I stared at his hand in shame, feeling the anguish start to take over my body. I managed to reign it in a little bit, not wanting the sadness that was engulfing me to send me into yet another inferno. I had done enough damage here today. My eyes trailed around the room, noticing the black scorch marks that adorned several items around the table. When my eyes finally reached my own body, I gasped.

As I looked down at myself, I slapped my hands over my chest and crossed my legs out of embarrassment. "Oh my god." I squeaked out. I was completely naked, flashing both the doctor and Kade, who was gazing at me like he hadn't felt his flesh burning at all. In fact, I watched him with wide, shocked eyes as he broke his gaze with me only to lazily trail his eyes down my body, which was still completely on show for him. My cheeks turned bright red as I stuttered, attempting to find some sort of retort, some sort of distraction from his appreciative attention over my exposed body.

When I looked back at his hand once more, more worried about him than my current lack of clothing, I made a noise of astonishment. His hand was completely healed.

I felt clothing slipping over my shoulders, realizing that Ama had returned with an extra robe. I pulled it on hastily, ignoring Kade's devilish grin as I looked to the doctor.

"How is that possible?" I gestured to his healed hand expectantly. I was more glad than anyone would ever know that he wasn't in pain over something I had done. It didn't stop the shame that still ran through my mind over allowing myself to spiral out of control, but it did ease the ache that had began deep in my chest.

Ama gave me a grin. "Something you will not take for granted, I'm sure, is our incredibly advanced healing rate. Of course, we still need to take some blood samples to ensure that your cells have completely mutated, but yours should be similar, should you ever need it."

A deep growl cut through the room, causing me to jump, looking back at Kade once more. His hard eyes were staring murderously towards Ama, making her take one large step backwards.

She seemed to back track immediately, "Not that you'll ever need to heal from anything, that is. You'll always be completely protected by our people." Her words were rushed and breathy, appearing frightened by Kade's loud outburst.

Her words seemed to dull the fire that had erupted in Kade's own expression, because he released some of the air he had been holding in his chest. He didn't look apologetic, however which annoyed me. I elbowed him roughly.

"Don't be a dickhead." I chastised him angrily. "She's just trying to explain things to me. Plus, what even was that? What are you, some sort of rabid bear?"

Kade's lip twitched slightly, showing me that he had found whatever I had said to be amusing.

To my utter shock, he turned towards the doctor with a cheeky grin. "My apologies, Doctor."

Ama looked like she was about to faint, and was definitely done with the both of us at this point. However, there were still some things I wanted to ask her. She began to unwrap the needles as she prepared to take my blood for testing.

"Of course, your Highness." She responded airily. "Now, back to the matter at hand. Emily, I'm sure you've realized by now that your body chemistry is still extremely unstable," She looked to me, grinning with a slightly pained expression.

I nodded, "How can we fix that? I can't allow that to happen again, not when I hurt Kade. I could somehow hurt you, or Magda, or god forbid someone else." My voice wavered slightly, showing the both of them that I was still very much distraught by what had happened only moments earlier. I was terrified of myself now.

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