1: The English club

Start from the beginning

"I'm Im Changkyun," he said, the crowd went wild with a cheer. "And I'm the president of the English club that I, along with my friends here established two years ago."

I could see his 'friends' giving him proud smiles. The dark brown haired boy continued, "I'm also the youngest of my friends. I'm an English major on my second year."

He was only a year ahead of me? But he looked so mature for his age.

As the glasses guy looked to his left another guy with a bigger build stepped forward, his hair just as brown but was scattered on his forehead, perhaps he looked a little too innocent for his body.

"Ah, hello." He paused for a bit, I would've thought he was nervous but he didn't look so. More than that he looked like he was being careful of his word choices as he was speaking in English.

"I'm Shownu. I'm the eldest here. I'm getting my Master's degree here in gymnastic."

The girls and boys around me hollered and he gave us a small smile.

"I'm Lee Hoseok, hi!" a guy with even a bigger build waved excitedly with a bright smile on his face. "I'll be happy if you call me Wonho. I'm music Major, fourth year!"

I could see a few girls almost on the verge of collapsing on the floor. More than the muscles of this Wonho guy, or his bright smile, the thing that looked the most attractive to me was his hair colour.

It was white with streaks of turquoise blue. If I hadn't seen this man today I would've never knew someone could look good on this hairstyle.

"I'm Minhyuk! Also fourth year!" One of them with silver hair color, as bright as platinum shouted loudly against the crowd. "I'm majoring in human resource and management."


A senior from my major.

It was a bit funny to me how I hadn't noticed him before though it was already my third day here. But again, I wouldn't necessarily notice anyone unless they were important to me.

And that list of people is almost zero.

"I'm Yoo Kihyun. Psychology major in fourth year. You are all freshman right? Congratulations on getting into Seoul national university," A boy with curly brown hair, actually the shortest of them said with a warm smile.

As usual the girls and boys swooned, was there any of these hosts whom these people weren't going crazy for?

"I'm Lee Jooheon, Korean literature, third year," the dark and short haired among them smiled showing his deep dimples. For reasons he looked the least bubbly to me, I couldn't help but think he was a bit scary until he smiled.

"Chae Hyungwon. Fashion designing. Third year." The slickest among them spoke in his raspy voice.

This one had longer hair than the rest, it was a messy curl that rested on top of his head and sides of face like a crown. He had protruding lips. He did have a body and face to be jealous of.

Perhaps all of them had but should I be thinking about that now?

I had more important things to care about yet here I was wasting my time. Quickly turning on my feet I tried to shove my way out, my part time job was important, money was more important.

"Hey, you there. Right there, please!"

The native English speaking voice spoke loudly. At that moment the whole room was quiet and I was quick to stop scurrying on my feet when I realized the people around me were looking, exactly at me.

So I turned around and the seven boys from that small stage were staring at me too.

"Me?" I pointed at myself though I was sure already that it was indeed me.

Now that the whole attention was on me I could finally decide that coming here was really the worse choice I'd ever made, because there was nothing more I hated than a bunch of strangers staring at me intently.

The glasses boy pushed his round specs back as he let out a soft chuckle and then he put his hands behind his back. "I've never seen someone leave this room before us in these two years. Are you in a hurry?"

I swear I could see a dark gaze coming from his eyes but that vanished right after.

Did I hurt their inflated ego?

"Hey! Do you know English?" The Wonho guy smiled at me. Sadly I couldn't return the smile.

"Hyung wants to know if you can speak English. You came here to learn like others, didn't you?" The glasses guy spoke again, I couldn't remember his name no matter how hard I looked over to the shelves of my memory lane.

"Ah, yeah," I mumbled.

"Then please stay a few more minutes. We will be over soon since this is only an introductory club meeting today."

His name was Changkyun, that's when I remembered suddenly.

"What's your name by the way?"

It didn't feel right to tell them my name, this was only the first day and I had already gotten on some hotshot senior's nerves.

"Kang Daisy."

"Daisy," my name echoed in the silent room when he said it in his deep voice.

"Even your name is in English. I'm sure you'll enjoy being a part of this club, Daisy."

I wish I had rather joined the satanic cult club now.

A/n: fun fact, the satanic cult club hosts are the GOT7 members.

I love ahgases. Anyway, this was only the first chapter but I promise it'll get more interesting.

I hope you'll follow-low-low-low-low-low the rest of the chapters (yes I made that pun)

I hope you'll follow-low-low-low-low-low the rest of the chapters (yes I made that pun)

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