Chapter 2

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"Come in. Come in." The headmaster exclaimed. I shut the door behind me and took the seat next to the guy. His smile seemed to grow wider  like the cheshire cat in Alice in Wonderland; Ear to ear. I couldn't help but blush so I turned away quickly hoping he owuldn't see.  The Headmaster wasn't looking at me, he wasn't even looking at the seriosly hot guy. Instead he had his face buried in the messy pile of papers on his desk.  I couldn't really see what any of them said but I was able to make out a name on one of the,. My name. 

Rose Scott.

 I started to freak out. I was in trouble, I knew it. I had to save myself from getting a horrible punishment. So i do what I normally do. "Okay, seriously? It was a test! I was supposed to kick his ass-"

"Language!" The headmaster warned.

"right. Sorry. Anyways. I couldn't go easy on him and he was certainly not going easy on me even though he was easy to beat. I didn't know I would get in trouble for kicking my teachers butt in a test!" I explained.

"I have no clue what you are talking about." He said. My jaw dropped. Then why was I here? I was just freaking out over nothing.

"So, Ms. Scott." He continued.

"Rose. I go by Rose" I interupted.

"Okay, good. You are going to need to  forget that name anyway."

"What? Forget my Last name? Why?"

"We will discuss that matter in a little but, for now let us start with grades." The headmaster picked up a piece of paper from his mess and glanced at it.  "You seem to hae perfect grades. Very good." 

"Can we just get to the point of why I am here?" I asked. I don't want to be here. I want to be in my Dorm roon under my blankets. 

"Very well then. Rose, It seems you have exceeded the requirements to stay at this school and have  shown great potential."  He started.

Oh no! They are sending me on a mission!

 "We are sending you on  a mission, to the castle. This will be a test, If you complete it and suceed we will give you everything you want. Your life back, Your family, anything. It is a very easy assignment that I have no doubt you will pass."

"Okay, what do I do? What is the mission?" I sternly ask. I felt someones stare diggin into my skin and I knew it to be the guy next to me, When I looked it was. His bright blue eyes were staring in amusment, in wonder. 

"You and your husband are going to be staying in the castle as guests. Your kingdom has been invaded and are their for protection.  Your name," He handed me a file. Inside was a picture of a Queen and her King. The queem looked somewhat like me which made me believe that is another fact on why they chose me to be part of this mission and not someone else.

"I don't have a husband." I said placing the file on my lap.

"Meet Cole, your husband." He said pointing to the guy next to me. "Or as you will call him, Timothy, at the palace."

"Okayy.."I said with the emphases on the "ay" "But this is just an act right? We aren't actually getting married right? When this assignment is over I am free to date whoever right?" Coles happy smile turned into a frown after that comment. 

"Actually-" Cole started to say but the Headmaster inturupted him.

"Everyone in this school is assigned a patner he or she will marry. They are bethrothed based on skill and potential to work together. They find out when either they graduate or are aborting a mission, their partner will be assigned with them."

"Hold on." I stopped him. "Are you saying that Cole is going to marry me? That I am supposed to marry him and be happy about it? Are you insane?"

While the Headmaster held no emotions Cole showed clearly he was hurt and I immediatly felt bad. He probablly didn't like this as much as I didt but I didn't have to say something like that. 

"Sorry" I murmered. He nodded telling me It was okay but I never saw the hurt leave his eyes. 

"You two will marry, you will stay married, you will be happy about it, are we clear?" The headmaster hissed. Both mine and Cole's heads bobbed like one of the Bobble heads crazy teachers keep in their cars. "Good, You will be getting married after this mission at the end of the summer, and as for the mission You will be sent out tomarrow. No packing is required. I advise you to read your  files and memorise it."

Both Cole and I walked out of Headmaster's office after he dismissed us and told us we had the rest of the day of to get to know eachother and work on our new identities. He walked me to the forest at the edge of our track feild. It was beautiful during this time of day. The flowers we at full bloom and of all different colors. The sun shone through the trees like a panting I once saw. It was like a dream of beauty.

"First things first." I told him matter-of-factly. "No kissing.Just because I have to marry you doesn't mean I have to give you anything. This also goes for touching... no more than the accasional hug or holding hands, got it?" 

He nodded with a smirk at the end of his lips. "Got it, no kissing and touching. Anything else, Baby?"

I flinched at what he just called me. "No calling me names! No baby, no hunny, no nothing." He laughed again for the third time today and nodded, "Got it."

"Good, Now what about you, any rules?" I asked, slightly curious.

"Hm," He said tapping his chin with his finger like he was an old engligh man of discovering the next big thing. "Ill tell you when I think of one."

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