Chapter 13

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The maids weren't happy that I wasn't going to the Ball and I couldn't blame them. They had worked so hard to make the beautiful dress and they were probably just as excited as to see me wear it to the ball as I was to wear it. Cole did ,however, go. It would have been impolite to the King and Queen if neither of us went so he decided to tell them that I wasn't feeling well. The prince knew otherwise of course.  I decided to stay in our room and think about the little evidece we found. 

Rodrick was obviously a suspect. He either lied about the gardeners crime or he actually believed that she had stolen the necklace. Anyway his actions could not be ignored. He was a suspect. 

Could the gardener be a suspect as well? Maybe the King and Queen knew of the threat and tried to solve it for themselves and maybe the gardener was part of the ALR.  That could explain why the Prince had said that he was being punished because she talked. Maybe, she was the inside spy and telling the ALR everything that was happening inside the walls. Maybe, but I am not quite sure that it is enough to make her a suspect.

And there's Henry. Something about what he said really bothers me. I can't trust him.

 I am who I am and believe in something completely different from what I am supposed to.

He is the prince. He is supposed to rule the kindom a certain way after his father dies and he is put in charge. Maybe he was talking about that. Maybe he is the leader in the ALR. But why would Henry do that to his own family? To his own kingdom? Why? 

knock knock

"Who's there?" I asked.

"Your amazing brother whom you love very much"

I laughed and opened the door. Rob hugged me and then looked at me very seriously.


"We need to talk, but not here. Something is going to happen but I don't know what yet. Meet me behind the castle in an hour." My brother's tone was nothing short of serious and I wondered what could make him act this way.

"Okay, I will." I responded.

"Good, don't forget it. " He smiled at me for a short second.

"I won't" I assured him.  He left without another word. 

I ran to my closet where the dress for the ball was hung. The maids left it there just incase i changed my mind. Thank God. I quickly put it on and ran down the hall and into the ball room.

It was gorgeous. There were lights everywhere and people dancing in every corner. A feast stood by the far back wall. I looked around the room for Cole, he needed to know that something was going to happen. He needed to be safe. 

I looked and looked and finally found him dancing with some girl. I felt upest and jealous for some reason. Did I really fall in love with him? Ther's no time to think about that now. 

"Timothy!" I called. He didn't hear. I was about to call him again when someones hands grabbed my own and brought me into a dance. 

"Hey, sexy." I rolled my eyes and tried to pull away from Henry only for him to pull me closer. "You look beautiful in that gown of yours."

"Henry, you know I am not allowed to dance with you. Plus, I need to get to my husband. I need to tell him it isn't safe here." I tried pulling away again but this time he held me closer. He frowned and then smiled again so quick I believed I imagined it.

"Why is he not safe here? I promise this is a safe place." I breathed in quick. Should I tell him? Should I not? Just then the lights flickered. People were gasping then the lights turned back on and the people stopped.

"I believe the ALR is here and going to attack tonight," I said quickly. " I must get to my husband!"

He let go of me  and I ran for Cole. "Timothy!" I yelled.  Cole finally heard me, and looked around for me but just as his eyes were going to land on me, the lights went off. Screams were heard throughout the room and mine was one of them. A hand covered my mouth, a blindfold covered my eyes and I was pulled away.

 I struggled for the longest time, trying to get out of the strangers hold. I have no clue where I am.

"Make her quit moving! She has already hit me three times." I heard someone whine. I moved around more hoping that they would drop me and I could run. Run to Cole. 

"Maybe we can give her chloroform or hit her wih a frying pan until she is knocked out," a woman sneered. She laughed and I was freaking out.

"Do not hurt her!" A familiar voiced yelled. I froze. It couldn't be. Does that mean what I was afriad migh be actually was? Someone lifted my blindfold. The light was barley barable but my eyes adjusted quickly. I was dropped on the ground and decided to stay there.

"Henry?" I asked. "What are you doing? What am I doing here?"  

"Shhh" He touched my cheek and I swated him away. My hands were grabbed and pulled behind my back. They were tied together and tied to something sturdy behind me. I couldn't move/

"Don't touch me!" I yelled. He got up and clenched his fist.

"Bring in the king," he demanded. Just then the door was slammed open and a beaten Cole was dragged in.  

"No," I whispered.  His eyes were bruised and he had scratches all over him. There was blood all over his clothes. My eyes started to tear up, I looked away. I couldn't look at him anymore.

"Look at him." I wouldn't. "Look at him," Henry repeated. I shook my head. "Look at him!" He yelled. He grabbed my face and forced me to stare at my weak fiance. "You did this to him!"

"No," I whispered.

"If you just came with me and loved me instead of this pathetic excuse of a human, you wouldn't be watching him die." Henry yelled, I closed my eyes. "Open them." He demanded, I did as he said. He bent down and kneeled beside me. 

"Hey hey hey. Don't torture my sister." I looked up. Rob stood above me. "Welcome sis, to the ALR house." He pointed down to Henry. "And say hello, to our leader."

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