Slow Dancing

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" Is this one okay, Marshal?"

His eyes almost glimmer when seeing me, the white soft material clinging to my body, the top traced with flowers; the dress my mother kept in the back of her closet.

I turn my head so my newly slicked hair fell along my shoulder, the smell of freshly made apple pie filled my sense knowing Marshal must have sensed it too.

" You look . . . "

" I must say, in the movies they make girls that are "turned" look like a whole new person. You know? With loads of eyeliner and pale skin with tight wearing clothing."

His chuckling makes me feel a bit self conscious, " What?"

His body goes behind mine, Marshal's soft lips kissing softly onto my neck, " You have the pale skin going for you," he teases pinching my side.

I look into the mirror, my head throbbing a bit looking into the reflection. The dress ending at my feet in nice flows, it seemed like the dress was painted onto my body. My arms resting to my sides as his chin pressed onto my shoulder looking at me in the mirror.

" Have you fed today, love?

My body twitches a little still a bit confused and not fully getting what had actually happened. I look at my wrist still seeing the small marks of what was Vincent's fading. I wish they would go away much faster. I shake my head and look down.

If only my mother knew . . . God, she'd go crazy. I mean, I don't look different, well that's a lie, my eyes sometimes change into dazzling green when i'm with Marshal alone.

Something scared me as well, he told me I would be hungry, so very hungry, not for food but for blood.

That I may not be able to control myself, but I haven't had any urges like that.

Schools been okay, even though I've only been there for three days and now I'm planning to go to the dance coming up, hence, why I'm in a dress.

Something's different.

I thought if something like this would make him happy, make him want me more, but- uh, it just seems like I scare him.


When he does look at me when we are by each other, since he has been on my back ever since I woke up. Probably because he doesn't want to lose me, but ever since that when he looks at me it's different.

It's not, I just, he doesn't look happy. It's like, like, he doesn't want to be with me. That he doesn't love me.

" Love? Are you okay?"

I look up my breathing coming out in short gasps.

" I, I-"

" Awh, look at you two!"

" You like?"

" Oh, my gosh. You look so beautiful in my old wedding dress."

I smile at my mom as she stare at me and Marshal. His black dress shirt tucked nicely into his black dress pants sliding his hand to my own.


Never did I think I would go to a dance.

Or be with Marshal.

Hell, going to a dance with Marshal after being turned.

Like damn, intense.

My heart quickens thinking of his much had actually changed, part of me missing my old boring life just watching Marshal in the shadows just imagining what his lips would feel like on my own.

The flash of a bright light makes me grit my teeth, realizing my mother was taking a picture. The grip of his hand on my own squeezing tightly, " I hope you two have a good time."

" Mmhm."

" Yeah, " I mutter distractedly.

* * * * *

I securely wrap my arms around his waist with my right hand locked into his, his fingers resting on the top of my hand. The music playing softly moving along with muscle of our bodies, his chest pressed onto mine looking into my eyes.

He twirls me around within the music, my dress spinning around knowing the students were watching us.

He pulls me tightly against him, my head resting on his chest and with the move I shut my eyes as he swayed us slowly rubbing my hand with his thumb.

He didn't say a word. He didn't say anything, just looked at me when I did wake in the bed. My thrust burning as my chest ached for something. I can't say I remember much, just screaming and then I saw black but the screaming continued I just couldn't see.

It was like I was slightly blind in those few moments. Then I awoke again in my bedroom with him sitting at the end of my bed, his face buried in his hands.

What's wrong?

What has got into him?

" Love?"

" Hey, love?"

My body shakes and I look up seeing him looking down at me looking a bit confused.

" Are you okay, Danielle?"

He stares at me intently.

" Danielle?"

I feel the eyes burning onto us, my ex friend giggling behind Marshal's head while clinging to some random guy, her leg raising as the male attacks her neck violently with his mouth.

Her eyes sparkling when his hands hold her waist staring at her, and in that slight second she looked happy. Not the fake, cheerleading smile but a real smile.

I miss that. I miss it so much. I look up at Marshal his eyes staring at me, but was he really- was he really looking at me? With an accident my thoughts spill out of my mouth leaving him in silence.

" I miss you, Marshal."

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