A Little Ride

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" Yeah, stay away from him, he's unbelievably creepy yeah he may be lookin' sexy but if you're not careful," she began to speak in a whisper, " he'll murder you like he did with his parents."

I walk down the hall chuckling as the new student watched me behind her locker.

"Calm down, child," I send her hearing her pulse beating unevenly.

So, people like to talk about me. Ibf only they did know the truth of that night then they would understand why.

" You can't go, Marshal."

" Is that even my real name?"

" Marshal. You're too strong, you are at an age where you won't be able resist the-"

" Urges. I know, I know and I don't care, Alex."

" Mar-"

" Enough!"

" What did you do to her?"

I look down seeing Karen with her arms crossed glaring at me. I lean down to her seeing her flinch.

" Oh, whatever could you mean?"

" Did you touch her?"

I laugh, " Would you like me to?," annoyance laced my voice.

" No," she hisses.

" Sorry, I don't think that's your choice."

I watch her nails dig in her arms, " You hurt he-"

" You should remain silent."

" You won't get away with this, freak."

I move my hand to the collar of my shirt loosening it feeling everyones eyes on me.

I straighten myself up running my tongue across my teeth walking down the hall, all eyes on me.

Well, shit who knew I was such a celebrity? I turn to a group of girls flashing them my number one grin.

I laugh watching them back away, their eyes widened with fear.


I slide my hands in my pocket taking long slow steps to the back door hearing the bells go off in the school building.

Schools overated.

" Oh, my god! My purse," a girl whined hitting her--well i'm guessing whipped boyfriend's chest.

I look up at the dark sky, lightening flashing the thunder roaring. " Just Lovely."

" Mom, no, it's going to start pouring."

" I can't get home that fast, mom."

" Mom, please."

" Fine, whatever."

I look to my side seeing her stick her phone in her dark green bag. Hmm? I take a few steps towards her.

" Miss?"

" Hol- it's you, sorry, hi."

" Hah, well don't you know how to greet someone?," I say with a smirk.

" Hah, I guess . . ." her voice trails off.

" You okay?"

" Yeah . . ."

She leans on the wall crossing her legs, her green eyes dull. I take a few steps forward, " Miss, don't lie to me."

" No . . ."

"Would you like to share your  thoughts?"

" It's stupid," she mumbles toying with the end of her shirt. I take a deep breath smelling her sweet scent.

"Nothing you say could be stupid," I could hear the own change in my voice when she looks at me.

"Karen got on me today about well, uh, you. Then I find out my mom can't come and pick me up before it rains."

I raise an eyebrow, " I don't think your friend likes me too much, I get the feeling she would run me over until I was dust, Miss."

A smile curves on her lips, " Hah, I guess you could say that."

" Oh, and the ride thing, I can give you one," Marshal says bitterly with no emotion.

I back away a few steps, her scent surrounding me.

" Oh, no, it's okay."

" It'd be a pleasure," I try to say normally but failing hearing the harsh tone.

"Are you o-okay?"

"You smell."

"Well, ah, sorry," she mutters frowning.

"Oh, dear god, I mean. You smell good. But it's simply too strong to me."

She looks up, "You don't have to give me a ride if it's a trouble."

"No, no, you're coming with me," I whisper grabbing her hand feeling her pulse quicken a bit.

I watch her climb in the car while I held the door open, closing it. I take my slow steps in front of the small black car climbing in myself.

"Put your seatbelt on, Miss."

I place my left hand on the wheel starting the engine. She adjusts in the seat clicking in the seatbelt looking forward.

"I live a cou-"

"I know where you live."

She nods laying her hands on her lap, I hunch forward pressing my foot on the peddle. I stare at the road hearing the rain pound on the top of the car.

"Are they true?"

"Is what true, Miss. Danielle?"

"The stories?"

I smile and take a right looking at the rain hitting the window.


She shifts in her seat and lays her head on the window.

"Can I know why?"

I smile, "I guess I just wanted to show them how I felt."

"What did you do?"

"Well, what have you heard is the real question?"

She looks down and stays quiet, I tap my fingers on the wheel, " I killed them when I was fourteen."

From the corner of my eye I see her raise her head, " Your friend is right I am bad news."

" How?"

" I killed them. I felt no regret while doing it, I felt happy. Satisfied seeing their blood on the walls," I take a pause the rain hitting harder on the window making it difficult to see.

" Someone like you shouldn't be so welcoming to something like me," I continue, " I am everything they say."

The light flashes red, I lift my foot up pressing down on the break, " Maybe I don't care what they think."

The car starts to slide on the slick pavement of the road making me grip the wheel tighter fear building in myself feeling the car slide off the road.

" Marshal!"

" Danielle," I hear the shakiness in my own voice as the car flips over seeing her arms fly upward.


The car slides off more sliding to a halt at the bottom of an incline.

He's A Monsterحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن