You Won

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" Bro- stop!"

I stare at the male in front of me his knees glued to the floor as I angle my head focusing my strength onto his bones. I look over at Danielle for a moment, her eyes red and pale cheeks puffy.

I narrow my eyes at the male again, my blood boiling deep inside of me, my hands formed in fists. He touched her. I can smell her blood, I jaw cracks as my mouth twitches feeling my teeth begin to grow stabbing at my bottom and top lip.

I raise my hand up to the male, the palm of my hand pointed at my middle as I curled my fingers in squinting my eyes. His eyes grow larger as he stares at me, almost as if he was strong.

" What are you doing?"

My face softens, the left end of my lip twitching her gentle voice filling my ears. I blink my eyes trying to stop my teeth from showing.

" Go," I hiss feeling a hand on my arm, her big eyes look into mine, her lips parted a bit.

I watch her back away looking down.

Why is he- does he hate me, now? I shut my eyes at her interfering thoughts climbing into my brain, my hand drops and I look at the male that says he's my brother into front of me breathing heavily leaning near the floor.

" You were always the softie."

I stare at him as he laughs, " Little Marshal giving I'm because he hurt his ' loves' feelings because he's a monster. "

" Shut up!"

I look at Danielle who sat by the corner her hands crossed in front of her looking at me, her eyes that once were bright were now blurry and clear to see she was afraid of me. She was afraid. I scare her.

" Look at what you've done! Ha. Ha. She's over there not knowing who you are. Not knowing what you really are."

My knees bent my nose flaring as he smiled at me holding his chest tightly. " For what you are. A monster."

Before I knew it was lunging at him, my nails sinking into his shoulders as he looks up at me with a smile.

I feel as if I'm going to explode looking down at the creature, he shouldn't even be called human. His eyes narrow into mine, his smile growing wider.

My incisors pointed at my jaws as I opened my mouth smelling her blood on him, his eyebrow raises.

" Whats the monster going to do now?"

My hands go to his neck staring at the smile on his face, my knees bent outward as I hovered above his body.

Stop. Please, stop.

I shake my head hearing her voice in my head, with awful realization of what I'm doing I turn to see her hands on her mouth looking at me in horror, slaty tears falling from her eyes sliding down her cheeks and falling to the floor making a light pitter patter that seemed louder to me.

As if I was in small room, all alone with nothing but silence, any little thing setting me off.

" Why not kill me, already? Show her you're a killer."

My nails grow longer out of my fingers digger into his neck feeling his blood slide down my fingers.

I can't.

I see the feet of Danielle's run out of the room in the corner of my eyes. My heart beats faster hearing the loud thumping of her racing hearts, sharp short breaths and quiet whimpers.

" No!"

I feel the pain in my jaws stop as I look at the ground and the door that was now opened, the sound of her breathing and heart thumping gone.

Her thoughts gone.

She left, she left, she left . . . because of me. Because, I'm me. Because I kill. Because I'm not normal.

" Because you're being what you are, a vampire."

I look at him with cold eyes, his smile faded.

" You did this."

" No, Marshal, you did this."

My hands leave his throat swallowing the lump in my own.

" I di- I lo- you . . . "

My voice drifts off.

" It sucks, huh?"

He stabs his finger on my chest tapping it, " Huh? That feelings that you're experiencing right now. It hurts, hmm? That's how it felt, you know? You took everything from me, Marshal. Everything. You took our mother, our father, you took my family. I was left alone. Alone, Marshal, and it's your fault. It's your fault that I'm this way."

I hold his wrist so he stops poking me and glare at him.

What he is talking about?

I can't remember anything, can't remember my mother or, I didn't even know I had a family.

" You had to ruin everything! You ruined everything, we were all happy until you decided to be stupid and go sinking your teeth in everything. Why couldn't you just listen, why couldn't you just be normal? You killed our parents, you're the reason for everything. Now you know. Now you know what it feels like to have your life just walk away from you. Just sitting there watching as you lose everything."

I look at him with no sympathy.

" You did this, for what? Revenge? You wanted to get back at me for something that I did as a child?"

" That I did."

I glare at him scratching the back of my neck getting away from him.

" Well, great."

" What?"

" Great job, brother? You succeeded. You have absolutely destroyed me. I lost everything, she was literally all I had in this awful place. She made me happy, made me feel normal. Like I had a chance, she gave me a reason to try and get better. And, what? You just come in and take her and I, well I admit it I just bloody jealous and angry because you, you were touching her. She was mine, I had her. I had her," my voice gets harsher. " I loved her. That's why I needed her because I loved her. And, with one simple act you broke it all."

I bring my hand to his face and clap softly.

" Congratulations."

It stays quiet for a few moments.

I stand back wetting my lips. He places his hands on the floor and gets up slowly watching as his hands go to his sides dusting himself off. He lifts his hand up to me as if he was going to shake my hand.

" Brother."

I look at his hand.

" What."

" Shake. We've fixed things up."

I almost want to laugh in his face. How is he my brother?

How can he be so cruel?

Fricken jerk.

Fixed things up? Hah.

Maybe for him, while I'm just here trying to out things together of what just happened.

" You can rot for all I care."

" Shake, brother."

" Why would I shake your hand! Are you okay? have you lost your mind, do you not just see what you've done?"

His hand grabs mine pulling my body to his, his forehead rests on mine. I look into his eyes as he moves his other hand to my fists.

" Look to your right, brother."

His voice is almost in a whisper, my head flicks to my right. A small white hand gripping the side of the door. My hand falls out of a fist watching a leg come into view with a ripped ending of a dress above the knee. The nails of his ripping through my hand.

" One difference in your story, brother-"

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