Simple Questions

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" Marshal, mmm . . . don't stop."

His fiznger ran up the inner of my thigh while kissing down my sweaty neck. My back arches upward to him, his long fingers brushing over my bottoms making me whimper.

" Tell me you want it," he whispers in my ear rubbing gently over me making me squeeze my eyes shut by the tingles.

" Mmmm."

" Say you want it," his voice boomed through the room. My hands gripping the sheets.

" Marshal, yes."

" Danielle, hey, sleepy head."

" Wh-"

I stare at the tall male laying on his side smirking at me. My cheeks turning a bright shade of pink, my eyes widening.

" You alright, love?," he asks me with a smirk.

" I, ah, we, uh, school?"

" Hah. It's three in the morning."

I lift my hands up to my face rubbing my eyes feeling air hit my skin. My eyes look down,  " What . . .?"

" Oh, you, well, it's not what it looks like."

I grab the sheets pulling them close to my legs, " So, I am magically missing my bottoms?"

" Your clothes were wet, okay?

I held the sheets close to me blushing, " Have you just been staring at me, uh, this whole time?"

" Would you be creeped out if I said I was?"

" Maybe," I mumble with an eyebrow raise squeezing the sheets on my body.

" Well, I watched you," he says smirking.

Now let me see you naked. Take off those tight jeans and show me you-

" What day is it again?," I ask trying the stop the disturbing thoughts I was having.

" Well, it's Friday. Are you alright?"

" What? What do you mean?"

" You seem a little jittery."

Maybe 'cause a shirtless guy is in bed with me while i'm naked but, y'know? That shit happens all the time.

" Uh, sorry."

" Your clothes should be done, so, i'm gonna go get them."

I nod watching him walk out of the room.

I look back down at myself, Oh, my god. I just had a wet dream . . . with him right there.

What the hell? Did I make sounds?

I shake my head feeling my face heat up. Erm. He saw me naked. Ugh, he's the first guy to see me nude . . . Oh, dear god, wh- what if he thinks i'm ugly. Ugh, he probably does, i'm just a pale, plain bitch.

I huff out with annoyance hitting my face on the soft material of the white pillow. My body sinks onto the bed like it was supposed to do that. Like, it was meant to be like that.

I flip onto my side looking at the window. Watching the rain drops hit against it, a small smile on my lips as I watch.

I look at the bed playing with the end of the sheet. I must be pretty stupid to be laying here nude with a vampire. Waiting for his attack, sucking me dry. Not the good way either.

Like, isn't that supposed to be in books, myths and such. I know he wasn't normal, but, how- I just and hearing the rumors about his parents . . . just, how can I be so fascinated by such a mo- no, he's not a monster. Such a misunderstood creature?

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