Little Twisted

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"Why are you so obsessed with the freak?"

"He's beautiful."

"No, that's where you are wrong, Danielle."


"He's a monster, you know what they say about him. He's not okay . . . in the head and all."

"He's not okay in the head and all. " I laugh at the snarky blonde's comment.

Perhaps she was right, haha, not right in the head. How could you be normal being born into the darkness and left to die?

All us creatures are born into the darkness, our eyes shut waiting for a warm embrace. While others wake to be comforted by light, I woke in the dark woods under wet leaves that smelt of death.

Most babies would stop crying once they see the light from their mother's eyes or the white of her smile, but I remain to cry. I was not greeted by a warm touch, a happy smile, but by a dull, disturbed man.

The darkness I felt that night would never answer the questions I asked all these years. You must wonder how I can I remember these things from such a young age, and I honestly don't know how.

I think it's what the disturbed man injected in the cut he made above my eyebrow that allows me to remember. I never got to see the faces of my parents, the joy that would shine on their faces when they held their son in their tender arms.

Now it just seems like a run-on sentence of a book, never did I know them or found out who they were until I was fourteen. That was the day I realized who I was really was and nothing could change it.

I would find it difficult going on through life acting like I was normal for I was everything but normal. I was seven when I saw I wasn't like the other children in my age group, instead of running around laughing I always just sat alone with a book in hand. Normal, huh? No, I guess you could say my mind was a little twisted.

I didn't read if that's what you're thinking, I wrote. I wrote about how I would find my parents and bring pain upon them in such detail that it would make you cringe.

I kept that book by my side for years writing graphic scenes on the ones I grew to hate, committing the crimes no child should ever make. Along with my weird obsession with death, I saw I could do things others couldn't.

Alex, the man that kept me all these years, the one that did little tests on me, the one that told me to stay away from others. Of course, I did not do what he said, well that ended up six-year-old girls face first in the water.

She told me she knew how to swim, I told her I didn't. She laughed and called me dumb, I called her mean and said go drown.

Well, that's just what she did. I remember seeing her stare at me, her eyes full with fear, her body moving to the dark blue water.

"Stop, you monster!" was the last I heard her say before she dunked herself in the water. Her arms and legs kicking out of control screaming causing bubbles to form around her body. I just stood there with a sick smile until Alex picked me up leaving the scene.

With what Alex injected in me over and over made me different as you can see and made my senses improved their functions. Tactile sensation, I remember him saying once. He would make me feel objects of all sorts after shooting the chemicals in me. I was able to tell how long that object had been there along with how much it weighed.

"You have amazing power in your head," he would tell me lifting my hair up sticking the long needle in my head. Maybe the blonde is right, maybe I'm not okay in the head and it's not my fault.

It's pretty normal for teens to say they have it hard and I am not going to be one of them because honestly, who gives a shit about the freak? No one.

I cross my legs looking at the two girls who kept glancing at me. The blonde turns to the other in disgust making me smile. I stare at them biting my lip.

"Like I was saying, just look at him. How can you find that beautiful? He's fucking scary looking. He's evil."

"Enough, Karen. Stop, you're being rude. He looks just fine."

"Of course, you would think that you're just as weird as him."

I look at the blonde, I mean Karen with hate.

"Shut up."

"No, Danielle he is a monster. He's no good for you."

Danielle, hmm, so that's her name. Lovely name for such a lovely female like herself.

Her dark brown curls framing her face turning to me. Look of innocence wrote all over her, her bottom lip sticking out a bit, her light green eyes burning with desire staring at me.

"Hello? Danielle. Did you hear me?"


"Then why do you still like the fuckin' thing? He's bad news."

"I don't care, Karen. I want him."

A smile forms on my lips staring at the young lady, she turns and faces me. I place my hands on my lap before raising my right arm up. The blonde walks over to the trash bin.

You aren't weird. I mentally say staring at her so she would hear it.

Her eyes widen looking at me confused making me smirk. She lifts her small hand up sending me a wave, " Hi."

Hello, Danielle.

I see her look around making my smile grow larger. " Poor, poor woman under distress", I think to myself wetting my lips.

I stand from my seat throwing my tray away, I watch from the corner of my eye her eyes following my every move. So, you want me, huh? I wonder why.

I walk away from the trash can walking through the path the students made me making me chuckle at the expressions on their faces.


I glance at the brunette rolling her eyes at her friend. Her small hand placed under her chin before looking at me.

You, me, woods, ten tonight.

She looks at me and nods.

See you soon, Miss.

" Bye," I hear her whisper quietly.

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