"Hotty?" I didn't realize I said it aloud till both of them are looking at me.

The stranger grins, "Yeah, hotty. You like being called that baby?"

"Knock it off Scar," Ace voice sounds like the crack of a whip to me, but Scar's smirk grows as he turns to her.

"What? It's not like you don't got eyes, Ace," she turns her brownish yellow cat eyes back to the tall man who is partially shielding me from her. From this view I can see how tense he stands now compared to when it was just us and I wonder if maybe he had been showing me a softer side, the only kind of soft he knew.

"Should I have called someone else?" Ace's harsh voice cracks out again and I try not to real back at the intensity.

She drops her smile, "of course not."

He hums unsure before looking at me, "Theo this is Scar, an employee of mine. Scar this is Theo, a employee of our medical department."

He's glancing at his watch just when his phone starts to ring and there is a knock at the door.

He sighs and adds, "Now I got shit to deal with. Scar room 414."

"Aye-Aye," She mock salutes and Ace narrows his eyes.

"Wait you're leaving?" I can hear the fear in my voice.

He meets my gaze and can now see the worry of being felt alone with his people. They weren't the warmest to me earlier after all and now the adrenaline is gone and my badass self is tucked away for the next battle, I am defenseless without him.

Ace pauses with his eyes locked onto mine.

"Don't worry, I'll be back soon," he practically whispers taking a step closer, "You should get some rest. You've been up all night."

It's there I see it. This side he shows me, he must think it is his softer one. Maybe it is the gentlest he's ever had to be.

Still unsure I mutter the first thing I think of, "so have you."

I hear a snort from Scar but chose to ignore it while Ace holds my gaze. The smallest grin graces his face as he mumbles "don't waste time worrying 'bout me carino," and with that he steps away.

He shares a glance with Scar before leaving the room without another word.

We both watch him leave but as soon as the doors close I can feel her gaze slithering up my body and I get a chill as if the room dropped in temperature because of her glare.

"Theo, was it?" Her voice is cold and everything about her reminds me of an animal ready to attack.

I don't answer and just hold her intense stare too scared of what she will do when I look away now that Ace is gone. I don't know why I felt safe around him ,after all he is keeping me hostage, but something tells me that in comparison to this woman a blizzard would be better company.

"Let me guess," Her voice brings me back, "Trauma Nurse?"

She smirk makes me feel like she knows a secret I have yet to uncover and I am being tested for her amusement. So I use my fear as a shield and the usual self-defense mechanism kicks in.

Sarcasm, "what gave it away? The bloody scrubs?"

Scar raises an eyebrow and I hear the thunk of her heavy boots but don't break eye contact with her as she walks towards me.

She stops when we are almost chest to chest, "I was gonna say your hands-" I feel the tips of her fingers running the against my knuckles and goosebumps rise across my bare arms, "Or maybe it's the eyes-" she moves to run the tips of her fingers across my cheek and I flinch but she doesn't stop, "your eyes never forget the faces of those they lost. Do they Nurse-"

Her eyes bounce down to the name tag I'm still wearing, "Blue," she smirks, "Theo Blue, huh?"

Resisting the urge to swallow I nod, cold fear of this woman rushes through me like an ice bath as she says, "I'd like to test out your medical expertise, Nurse Blue."

Her voice is seductive, a whisper against my skins and I find myself completely frozen because I'm not sure if this is what Ace had meant when he said not to worry.

I close my eyes as her fingers dance across my skin and I bite my lip holding back a scream as her hand gently curls around my neck. I wish with everything in me I could fight back but I am paralyzed with surprise of her open threats and fear of her abilities to fulfill that promise if Ace has her on call and trusts her with babysitting me.

"but," she suddenly backs away, "Ace wouldn't want me dirtying his favorite toy. "

I release a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Right." my voice shakes but I am thankful of my personal space back to care.

"Truthfully," she says, "I heard the boys talking on my way up here about you."

"All good things I'm sure," and this time I sound breathy like I just climbed 4 flights of stairs.

Scar shrugs, "depends on who you ask, but isn't that the truth for everything."

I want to ask her what the hell is wrong with her, how she can practically threaten me and then go about our conversation as if she hasn't terrified me. But I don't and instead take a closer look the bags under her eyes and tones limps while noticing the scars running across her knuckles that so gently touched my skin.

I wonder if that is where she got her name.

"Well, I'll show you up to your room," she announces when I don't respond.

But it's then when she turns away to lead me out the door that I see them through the shirt.
Two long and rough scars with skin healed but still raised, running down her shoulder blade and back. The image throws me back to an image of Lucifer with the scars of where his wings were removed.

I now know where she got the nickname, but the image of the amount of blood and pain a wound like that must have cause lodges my questions and so I follow her in silence.

Who is this woman?



The Mafia's NurseTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang