Holding Out - Chapter 29

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We raced downstairs to my mother's car and I said a silent prayer.

What was I doing? Everything in my head was screaming at me, cursing me for being so gullible. Thinking it could work.

However, with every screaming voice in my head there was a louder one. It was clear as a bell. It was my heart, and it was screaming for Isaac.

All of a sudden, with the start of the engine, every ounce of the confidence that my mother and Tanya had just given me went away.

I thought back to six months ago. I hadn't realized how alone I was until Isaac forced his way into my life.

I'd planned on being alone forever but it wasn't working out so well.

It didn't work because we aren't meant to be alone. Everybody needs someone in their life. To hold, to cherish, to love.

No matter how hard I tried to fight it. I needed someone, and I knew Isaac was that someone.

My mind started running wild as we got closer to Isaac's place. I needed to stop him from leaving.

Even if he didn't want me I had to let him know how I feel. He may not feel the same way but he needed to know.

I couldn't live if I knew he was going to leave thinking I never cared.

Suddenly the car came to a stop. We were stuck in traffic. I could see his building up ahead. I couldn't wait any longer.

I sprinted from the car towards his building. I heard my mom and Tanya yell for me but I didn't stop.

I need to get to him. I finally realized as I was running up the stairs and banged on Isaac's door.

"I love you." I said out of breath as the door opened."

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