Holding Out - Chapter Four

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I did not want to be at work today. My head was killing me. It seemed like time was standing still and the room was moving instead. I was never ever drinking again.

I sat at my desk trying to work through my headache. I was surprised I even made it to work this morning. I hadn't slept at all last night and to be honest I think I was still a little drunk. The lights were off and my door was open.

My supervisor walked in and I immediately felt sick. The last thing I needed was to be tormented by this spoiled brat. He really thought he owned everything and everyone since his dad owned the company. "Good morning Jason." I said with fake enthusiasm.

"I don't pay you to sleep." He commented.

You don't pay me at all, your dad does I thought. "Is there something you need?" I asked ignoring his comment; he could clearly see me working even though the lights were off.

Of all the people in this office right now, Jason was the last person I wanted to see. Everything about him made me sick to my stomach.

He was good looking, tall, well dressed, stylish cut brunette hair, and a fit body. However, as soon as he opened his mouth all of his looks went out the door.

He was the worst person to be around, and I tried my hardest not to be around him. I was also still a little upset that he took the job I was up for. The only reason he even got it was because his father was the head of the company.

He had no experience in advertising or anything for that matter. He was spoiled; he came to work late or not at all. He was always hitting on the female employees and he was rude and entitled.

He began working here about three months ago after he got arrested for drunk driving, I guess his dad thought this place would make him slow down and take responsibility; he was wrong.

He walked further into my office with an evil smirk on his face, "long night?" he asked sitting on my desk.

"No." I said flatly. I waited on him to speak still typing steadily on my computer. When he didn't speak I looked up at him and noticed him staring intensely at me with a lustful look on his eyes.

I looked down and I was instantly mortified. My button up shirt had come undone and my black lace bra that barely covered my breast was there for his eyes to gaze at. I am never drinking again.

I quickly buttoned up my shirt and stood up form my desk. "Jason, what do you want?" I asked more than annoyed now.

He picked up a pencil from my desk and started tapping it on the stack of papers he had I his hand. "You know you should be nicer to me Jade. A pretty "sistah" like you could go a long way here with a friend like me. Every other woman here is more than happy to play nice... but not you." he put the pencil back down "what's it gonna take?"

I was too hungover to even think about entertaining this jerk, "is there something work related you need to talk about?" I asked a little more sternly.

He chuckled, "all business huh? Ok, I can respect that, but Jade you know one of these days you're going to have to remember who's the boss here." He dropped a stack of paper onto my desk, "new account. I need a report by the end of the day. By the way nice bra. Although I much more admire what's underneath."

"Bye." I smiled halfheartedly, not letting him see how pissed off I was. He walked out of the office and I took a few deep breaths. I shook it off; in this field men were always doing sleazy stuff like that. It didn't surprise me and I couldn't let it get to me.

I know how they are and I know that I have to keep my composure at all times, no matter how many pigs try to test me.

My head was still pounding and I was not in the mood to deal with anything else so I hurried to finish the reports and went home early.

The rain was pouring down outside and there weren't many people out, so I decided to walk home. As I walked I closed my eyes and lifted my head towards the sky.

I loved the rain every since I was a little girl. My father used to take me out on the lake on rainy days, it was stupid and dangerous but I loved every minute of it.

It was just us two on the boat and it was like we were the only two on earth at that point. It was so quiet and the view of the water falling on the lake was breathtaking. I used to lay back and just let the rain fall on me and it was like I was being purified by God himself.

It was like the heavens opened up and I could see a perfect light shining on me. Those are some of the only memories I have of my father.

I loved the feeling of the rain as I walked home. The feel of the cool rain drops hitting my hot skin eased every muscle in my body. I felt at peace, calm, carefree.

My mother once said I was more fish than human, but when you're raised on the water it becomes a part of you. I let the rain drops fall onto my face and take me away.

I was so lost in the rain that I didn't even notice when I bumped into something and went cashing down to the ground. "I'm so sorry I didn't-" I lifted my head and immediately I had to catch my breath.

"I'm really sorry; I can barely see anything in this rain." He said. "Are you OK?"

I looked up to see a pair of green eyes staring down at me. For a moment my whole body felt like it was in flames. It took me some time but finally I pulled away from his stare.

He was tall, short blonde hair, and had an amazing smile. However, it was those piercing green eyes that seemed to put me in a trance.

His skin was tan and so flawless that I couldn't help but stare. His muscles showed perfectly through the shirt he was wearing. He looked just like something out of a movie standing there.

"I'm fine." I said snapping out of my fantasy. I started to walk away and then he ran to cut me off.

"I'm Isaac." He held his umbrella over my head.


He smiled, "well Jade, can I get you a cab?"

"No thank you." I said trying to walk away again.

He kept his stride beside me and was quiet for a few seconds then he tossed his umbrella into the trash bin across from us. "Then I guess were both getting wet today."

I laughed uncomfortably, "that's really not necessary, and kind of crazy." I was amused. I had to admit he was one of the sexiest men I'd ever seen.

"How would it look if I were standing here holding an umbrella letting a beautiful woman like you get rained on. People would beat me with a stick." He said smiling.

Was he flirting with me? No way, I really didn't think I was his type. "Well, Mr. Crazy man, I should be going now." I tried once again to go around him and walk home.

"Can I walk you?" he asked.

"I think I can make it by myself." I said rolling my eyes.

"You owe me." he said smiling. His smile was amazing. I immediately started thinking about all the ways I could make him smile. I mentally scolded myself.

Then I realized what he said. I looked at him a little amused and slightly angry, "owe you?"

"That was my favorite umbrella." He laughed; when he didn't see me laugh he changed his tactic. "Look I feel really bad about knocking you over and I just want to make sure you get home safe. And because... I could never leave you sanding in the rain." He gave me his best puppy dog face.

The way he said it made me feel like he meant something else. The way he looked into my eyes so intensely was making me blush. I had to say something quickly before my mind went crazy.

"I have a gun." I said bluffing.

He raised his hands in the air as if he were caught in the act of a crime, "well then I guess I'd better be on my best behavior then huh?"


Ps I will try to upload at least two chapters a week...

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