Holding Out - Chapter 24

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The week went by fast and soon it was Friday. Tonight was my last self defense class so all the women decided to celebrate and invited me to join them. Isaac was away on business for a few days so I was alone. We went to a club and surprisingly I had a blast.

I finally felt like a 25 year old. I had a boyfriend, I made friends with the girls from my class, and my mom wasn't on my case for a change. Things were going pretty good.

I loved Friday's. I didn't get home until 6 the next morning. Those women really knew how to party.

When I got to my apartment I noticed a  figure at my door. I reached in my pocket for my stun gun when I realized who it was.

"Vivian?" I said surprised. "Hey, what's going on? Is Isaac Ok?" I asked worried.

"Well you would know. You two have been inseparable lately." She said wickedly, "that's actually what I came here to talk to you about."

I waited for her to continue.

"It's time that you and Isaac went your separate ways." She said informatively.

I laughed, "excuse me?"

"Look no offense but Isaac comes from a very influential family. I'm sure you've noticed that you don't exactly fit in with the image." She said smugly. "I have to think of my family here darling. Isaac could be the next Governor, President even. He can't be seen with someone from such low upbringing."

I took a deep breath, "I don't know if you've noticed but Isaac is a grown man. He can make his own decisions."

She scoffed, "Oh you poor dear. You think he really cares about you? He has a thing for hopeless cases. Look at the last trash he was with. You're just his next project honey, nothing more."

"No, you're lying. You're such a miserable person you have to try and make everyone else miserable too?" I said angrily.

"He does it all the time. He meets poor little girls, broken, in need of something. He tells them he loves them and that he's never felt this way before. Makes them feel special. Takes them out on the family Yacht. Pulls them in with that whole flower thing. Then when he's done, it's on to the next poor pathetic case."

"You have 30 seconds to get the hell out of my face." I said through clenched teeth.

"Think about it, I'd be more than willing to make it worth your while. You should get something out of this. I'd say you have a few weeks until he dumps you. Has he gone on his little business trip yet? That's usually when he does it." She looked at me for answers, "Oh he has huh? You deserve better than that. That offers on the table." And with that she disappeared as quickly as she came.

Who the hell did she think she was? I was livid.

I crawled into my bed exhausted. I just wanted to sleep and forget everything Vivian said. I wanted to forget that she even existed.

I closed my eyes but I couldn't sleep. There was a voice in the back of my head keeping me up. It whispered, "What if she's right?"

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