Holding Out - Chapter Ten

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"This is amazing." I said looking out onto the ocean. Isaac had taken me on a yacht. It was the first time I'd ever been on one before.

I had to admit it was very impressive. The décor was all black and gold and the railings were made of wood. I was amazed at how such a colossal machine was able to float so elegantly across the water.

The night went swimmingly. Isaac had a chef prepare a four course meal, which I ate greedily.

The meal of seared scallops, coq au vin, and cherry clafouti had me in a daze. I'd never tasted something so delicious in all my life.

It was even better than my mom's cooking, although I'd never tell her that. I valued my life.

After dinner I was so full I could barely move. I had to admit, I was glad I came. This was actually fun. Being around him was peaceful. It was a real change from what I was used to.

I didn't have to move a muscle. Everything I needed he provided before I could even ask for it.

Usually I would be in my apartment working on my third box of chocolates by now.

Now, I was standing on a beautiful yacht looking out at the sunset.

I stood on the edge and watched as the sun slowly cascaded across the water. It was beautiful, the smell of the water made every bone in my body feel like rubber. It was peaceful and exhilarating at the same time.

We sat and enjoyed the view and talked after the staff served us dinner. It was literally the most pampered date I'd ever been on. "Ok, don't think that I'm not thrilled by all of this but I think you may have gone too far. I feel so guilty. This must have cost you a fortune. I'm not worth going broke over." I joked.

"Yes you are, and don't worry about it. It wasn't a big deal, I own it." He said nonchalantly. 

I looked at him confused. Not a big deal. "Alright, who are you?"

He laughed, "Huh?"

"You're driving around in a Ferrari, you wear ridiculously expensive suits, and you have a yacht for Christ sakes. People don't just go around owning yachts." I said all in one breath.

He laughed again as if I had just said something hilarious, "Jade I'm joking I don't own this yacht, the car technically belongs to my company, and my parent like for me to dress well so they bought me a lot of expensive suits when I took over the position last year. Honestly I'd be happy in jeans and a t-shirt every day."

"Oh, I get it now, you're a bum." I joked.

He let out a hearty laugh, "or I'm just very persuasive."

I exhaled, "ok but who just lets someone borrow their yacht and you said-"

"Jade, I was trying to impress you." he said cutting me off, still amused. "I guess it didn't work like I thought it would."

"You don't have to try to impress me. Besides I hate stuff like this." I said honestly, "I mean I'm a low maintenance type of person." He laughed again. "What is so funny?" I asked annoyed, "you keep laughing at me and you're getting another self defense lesson."

"You just surprise me Jade; I've never met any woman like you before. I think you're actually the first woman I've met who didn't try to throw herself after she saw all this."

"Is that why you did all this?" I asked a little angry.

"Not at all." He said, "I just don't know how to get close to you. It's like everything I do your not phased by it, and if you're not attracted to me I can take it. I can take not interested. It's the not trying I can't take. I know you feel the same thing I'm feeling right now, I can see it in your eyes, in your body language. But every time you let your guard down a little bit you build it back up twice as strong. I don't know what you want from me. You're a puzzle Jade, and impossibly hard puzzle, that I can't stop trying to solve." He looked directly into my eyes as if he were trying to decode me.

"So why bother then?" I asked turning away from his gaze.

He touched the bottom of my chin and lifted my eyes back to his. "Because you're worth it." He said seriously. I didn't speak. There was nothing between us now but silence.

"You're good." I said finally breaking the silence.

He gave me a small smile and turned his attention to a man on the top deck. Before I knew it the sound of the piano filled the air.

"Would you dance with me?" he said holding out a hand and bowing gracefully.

I tilted my head and raised an eyebrow at him, "I don't dance."

"I'll teach you." he said taking my hand pulling me in close.

I didn't dare interrupt the moment. I felt like if I spoke I would wake up and realize that it was all a dream.

So instead I decided to let go for the moment and let myself float. The smell of Isaac's cologne filled my nose, and I caught myself actually sniffing him. I felt him chuckle and looked up at him.

"Do I smell?" he asked amused.


He looked shocked.

"What?" I asked worried that I'd offended him in some way.

"I just didn't think you would say something so... unguarded."

I realized that he was right. I had forgotten to keep my thoughts to myself. Showing weakness was something I couldn't do.

I instantly felt my body tense and I moved slightly away from Isaac's warmth.

"Me and my big mouth." He said disappointed.

"Isaac trust me, you don't want to get involved with someone like me." I said honestly. "I'm not the type of girl who is going to wear her heart on her sleeve and follow you to the ends of the earth."

Isaac brought his finger to my chin and lifted my eyes toward his, "I don't want you to change who you are. I want to get to know the real you. I just want a chance."

"I don't know if I can give you what you want Isaac. I'm no good at this."

"Then let me teach you." he said still holding me with his hypnotizing gaze. He looked at my lips and took a slight breath in as he leaned closer. I held my breath waiting. Waiting for his lips to find mine.

**** Dont forget to vote/comment if you like the chapter! Shout out to @awolvesfullmoon for being the first brave soul to comment publicly! Love you for that, your amazing. As for the rest of you... love you too but privately lol. jk.

Anywho, lets have a vote, who thinks Jade and Isaac should have there first kiss this chapter? Let me know and maybe it will happen!

Until next time TTFN my loves! XOXO Sienna

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