Holding Out - Chapter Twelve

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Two weeks passed and all I could think about was Isaac. His prying green eyes, his silky tan skin, his fascinating laugh, and the way he lit up the room. I literally felt like his biggest fan.

If it got any worse I would have to create a fan club. Then again that wouldn't work, because I wouldn't let anyone else join.

A fan club of one is not flattering, it's crazy.

He called me almost every day after our date. I found myself waiting for his call. We talked for hours about everything.

I still hadn't told him everything about myself but I did tell him more than I told any other man.

He told me about his first kiss and how he was scared of bunnies until he was 19. I told him about my crazy family and how I celebrated my last birthday.

I felt comfortable with him. I had to admit, he had an effect on me. However, I was still keeping smart about it.

That week I learned that Jason would be away on business for the next two weeks. Which was his code for going to Vegas to snort coke and screw hookers. I felt like that was cause for celebration, which is why I didn't think twice when Isaac invited me over for dinner.

Isaac's apartment made mine look like a shoebox. He had the entire top floor to himself.

Everything was so beautiful but it was still comfortable enough to say someone lived there.

It was too cozy; in the back of my mind I was thinking it definitely had a woman's touch.

The view of the city was breathtaking from his window. I walked out onto the terrace.

"Ok, I'm definitely in the wrong profession." I Joked.

I looked back at Isaac who was still it his kitchen preparing the meal. He seemed to know what he was doing.

When we sat at the table that was carefully decorated with candles I looked down at the chicken parmesan that Isaac made. It looked delicious. I took a bite at the same time he did.

"This is...flavorful." I said choking down the food.

It was terrible. It was too salty and the chicken wasn't done.

I took a huge gulp of water to get it down and looked at Isaac who was spitting his into his napkin. We looked at each other and both of us exploded into laughter.

"That is the worst thing I have ever tasted in my life." He said between laughter.

"Horrible." I agreed almost in tears.

"I should probably tell you, I can't cook."

"Really?" I said with fake surprise. "How about I cook." I said making my way to the kitchen.

Isaac showed me where everything was and I quickly whipped up some steak, baked potatoes and broccoli. It was delicious, if I do say so myself.

We sat in front of the TV in the media living room and enjoyed our meal on the couch. It felt nice to spend my night with another person for a change, beside my nosey neighbor who bangs on the wall every time I sneeze.

After a hard week at work I was exhausted, I felt like I'd been rode hard and put up wet. I tried to focus on the movie in front of us. It was a romantic comedy; I never cared for the genre. I was much more of an action or horror type girl.

We were right in the middle when I felt a wave of fatigue come over me and I could help it when I fell asleep on the couch in Isaac's arms. I awoke a few hours later.

I looked up to see Isaac sleeping soundly beside me. He looked so peaceful. His dark lashes hung softly over his cheeks and I could hear the faint sound of his breathing. I felt a ping of jealousy; long lashes were wasted on men.

I shifted in my seat slightly and Isaacs's arms tightened around me. It felt good to be in his grasp. The scent of his cologne filled my nose and for a moment I nuzzled myself closer into him.

Until I saw the clock on the wall. It was after midnight. I let out a loud gasp waking Isaac form his sleep.

"Oh my gosh, I can't believe I fell asleep!" I said. I jumped up from the couch, "shoot I screwed up, I have to go." I quickly got my purse and ran toward the door.

Isaac ran after me, "wait, you don't have to leave." He said grabbing my hand.

"I do." I said, "I shouldn't have stayed this long."

"Jade, it's the middle of the night. You can stay here really...I want you to stay." He said his eye's pleading.

"I'm sorry." I said walking out the door. Before I got out the door I turned to him, not looking in his eyes. "I don't think we should see each other again. It was a mistake from the start, it shouldn't have gotten this far." Then I left him standing there. I caught a taxi when I got outside.

I couldn't believe I fell asleep in his house. It was so unlike me to be that careless.

I was getting too comfortable, and I knew exactly what happened when I got too comfortable. It meant I was giving him a chance to hurt me.

I argued with myself the whole ride home. Part of me was saying that he wouldn't hurt me and he hasn't given me any reason to believe he would.

The other part, the rational part was saying that he was capable of anything. I wouldn't let it happen again. I wouldn't be that person again.

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