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A smile formed on my lips as I saw that the scene in front of me was no longer blank. My eyes widened in surprise as it all started to unfold.

"Do you like it?" I heard him stammer a bit. I turned to him with a giant smile on my face.

"Wow, Jungkook , that's such a understatement. I fucking love it ." I say as I turn to look at the scene again.

"Well then, do you want to try them on or just stare at them?" He asked me as he walked in front of me and turned to me looking at me with a amused smile.

I awkwardly smiled as I looked back at my surprise. Dresses ,many rows of beautiful dress, were all in rows all coordinated by a special design. At the back was a long table with food on it, desserts to junk food to actual meals.

"Wait why is there food? Aren't the dresses gonna get dirty?" I asked as I noticed the situation.

"Dont worry you'll eat those after." He said gesturing to the dresses. A sigh left my mouth not wanting to deal with many dresses but wanting to eat instead.

I slowly walked toward the nearest row and looked at the first dress that was displayed. My fingers trailed down the soft material as I scanned the work of art.

My smile faded and was replaced with a look of awe. The stitching on the dress, the color, and the pattern all amused me.

"Not that one dear." I jumped a bit as I heard a feminine voice behind me. My body rotated to find two ladies.

"Mom? Aunty? What the-" My mom cut me off.

"Be respectful and dont utter a curse word." My mom said as her head was held up high. I scrunched up my nose confused with the vocabulary my mom was using.

"Woah, where did the classy you come from." I asked straight up without being interrupted by her. Her eyes widened and she wacked my head.

"Why do people keep hitting me on the head!" I whined and I rubbed my head in pain again. My mom sighed and shook her head side to side not liking my behavior.

"Be careful with the girl, she's gonna have a wedding soon , so let her breath." Aunty said as she crossed her arms. I looked at my mom with a playful smile.

"Yeah ,mom" I said reminding her. My mom gave me a glare ,making me back off a bit.

"Let's just continue finding a dress." Aunty requested making my body face the row of long dresses.

My eyes led me to the next dress in the row. My eyes searched for something that made it special. "Isnt it pretty!" Aunty said with excitement as she referred to the one she was looking at. I scrunched my nose not sure if I liked it or not.

I moved my head side to side as a 'no'. She moved to the next one almost as If she was expecting it.

She examined the next one before deciding to ask me anything. I stood there biting my lip as I looked at the dress as well. "I dont think you would like this one either." She said as she walked toward the next one in the row. I didn't disagree knowing she was right. The dress was pretty, pretty, but it didn't light up anything in me.


A sigh threatened to leave me again for the hundredth time as I sat down on the clean carpet floor ,resting my sore feet.

Three rows of dresses and none satisfied my mom ,aunty or me. There are still many rows to go but all I wanted was food.

I looked over at the table full of food. I pouted as I heard my stomach growl in hunger.

"Ugh ,I just want to eAt" I mumbled as I layed on my side. I closed my eyes as I was resting on my side not wanting to look at the food knowing my stomach would growl louder. I held my stomach with my hands as I rolled over to my back.

My mom and aunty were still looking for a dress ,while I was chilling on the comfy carpet.

The only noise I heard was of my mom and aunties.  There wasn't even a worker, and I couldn't ask jungkook why since he left as soon as I met the 2 women.

"Are you hungry? " a voice asked from above me. I opened my eyes to see a figure standing over me.

"Is that even a question? " I said to the figure. "Of course I am." I said as I propped myself up with my elbows. The figure then walked in front of me and I could see the person properly. "Oh its you." I said as I realized who it was.

"What about me?" Said the person.

"Well you left me alone with these crazy people unable to eat any of the ,probably cold, but delicious food on that table!" I complained to him. Jungkook sighed as he stood up straight.

"Fine ,go eat." He said as he puffed up his cheeks.  I felt my own eyes light up as he finished his sentence. I started to get up and skipped toward the direction of the food. "Wash your hands after you eat!" He called after me as I was already shoving my face in the food.

I moaned as the taste of the , for however reason, warm food came in touch with my mouth. A smile came upon my face as i looked over the food. "Hay dont be sloppy." Jungkook said from behind me. I turned over to him and smacked him with my churro.  He grabbed his cheek that i smacked him in and looked at me shocked. "Why would you smack me with a churro?!" He asked in surprise. 

"Because you wouldn't leave me alone to eat in my own way." I said as i was done chewing the first piece of food I had in my mouth.

"That's no excuse." He said still shocked.

"Okay, so? I'm sorry, but like I'm hungry do you want me to eat it slowly?" I said as I turned toward the food again and ate.

"Okay ,I'm sorry eat however you want ,but I'm not gonna lie when I say I'm about to do that too." He said as he went beside me and started to pick something to eat aswell. My head turned in his direction and I looked at him amused.

"Wow ,Jimin would tell me to eat in a corner." I said as I slightly sulked at the memory.  He giggled a bit as I started to reach for another food to eat.

"That's kind of sad but he also did that to me once." Jungkook said as he pouted. I smiled as I thought it was lowkey cute of him to pout.

"Y/n ,come on and hurry we have a couple options here!" My mom screamed from across the room.  I sighed as I was barely getting started on eating. Jungkook giggled as he saw my reaction.

"The bathroom is that way you can wash your hands there." He said as he pointed at the direction of the bathroom.  I thanked him as I ate the food I had I'm my hands and slowly walked to the direction he was pointing at in sadness.


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