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Y/n pov.

I have finally finished changing into my clothes. A oversized red sweater with black shorts under and red high top converse.

You couldnt see the shorts since it was covered by the sweater but i didnt care.

I put a small amount of makeup only a bit on my eyebrows and eyeliner with mascara ,a lip tint and a nude eye shadow.

I put my hair in a high ponytail not wanting it on my face.

I smiled satisfied at the results. I started to look for my phone to check the time.

Where the fuck is it? I left it beside my bed. I thought as i was searching for it on my bed and the drawer next to my bed.

I heard someone scream behind my door.

I sighed knowing who it was. I saw the door knob move as the person tried to open the door. Of course i locked it after jungkook left so it was locked for my saftey so no other accidents can happen.

???:"Y/N!! OPEN THE DOOR!!" they screamed from behind the door.

I walked slowly towards the door not wanting to really open it for the person.

I slowly unlocked it with the person still trying to open it

When i unlocked it the door was immediately opened and i quickly stepped back not wanting to get hit as it was being opened.

???:"Y/--!" the person stopped mid sentence as they took a step forward bumping into me.

I stumbled as i fell.

The person just stood there not falling with me but only stumbling.

"Uggggghhh" i groaned as i hit the ground with a bit of force.

The person looked at me and raised an eyebrow. I glared at them.

"What the heck." i said. He shrugged.

"JIMIN~" i whined.

Jimin:"the door wasn't open and you didnt responde so, what was i suppose to do." he said shrugging again.

"Wait a couple seconds till im done unlocking the door ,stupid." i said. He now glared at me.

"Why are you glaring at me! Im the one pretty much knocked down." he stopped glaring realising you were on the floor.

He put out a hand so you can stand up. You took his hand and you stood up. You sighed when you stood up.

"Whats up?" i asked finally facing him.

He looked at me confused as he raised his eyebrow. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Stupid, you were calling my name ,so whats up?" i explained myself and repeated my sentence from earlier.

Jimin:"ohh ,do you want breakfast? Jin and the rest of the boys came over this morning and his making breakfast sooo~" he said as he slightly opened the door.

I pressed my lips together. I usually Dont eat breakfast only like a banana and a apple and thats my breakfast. I opened my mouth to answer but shut it immediately. I didnt know why i was so hesitated its only breakfast.

I nodded my head quickly before i regretted my decisión. Its been a long time since i had a proper morning breakfast. Maybe thats it.

Jimin smiled at me before fully opening the door to leave and go tell jin. His eyes formed into crescents ,disappearing. I chuckled ,thats one of the many features i think jimin has that is adorable.

He left closing the door lightly and i went to sit on my bed. Thats when i remembered my phone.

The restroom! Huh... Ima fucking scream my lungs out if its in the restroom i thought to myself.

I stood up and made quick steps towards the restroom. As i opened the door i put my hand out to flick the switch for the lights. As the room brightened up i saw my phone on the counter.

"How the fuck did it get here?" i said slightly whining as i reached out to get it.

I stopped half way as i saw the phone light up meaning i got a message. I quickly got it and looked at the screen to see the group chat pretty much trying to make my phone explode.

I sighed as i unlocked it. Only to get a quick glance since i was pretty much a bit hungry and i was hoping jin has finished making the food.

       You have entered in the          group chat shut up
Sent at 6:26 am

Jia: y/n you better come to school today :)

Chung ha: yeah you missed school

Jia: your second day of school

Chung ha: to be exact

Jackson: yeah

Jackson: like half of the school probably forgot bout you :))

Bambam: :)))

Yugyeom: :))))

Jia: bxtch shut tf up

Bambam: why are you censoring it now?😂

Jia: cause i can so leave me alone

Chung ha:her mom is checking her phone now😂😂

Jia: nOO!

Jackson: hehe sucks to be you

Mark: all of you shut up

Mark: or ima murder you all in my sleep

Jaebum: its still early so go to sleep before you complain at school

Bambam: ffs

Mark: shut up bambam

Bambam: im going

I sighed as i finished reading the messages. I barley met them a day ago but they are complete idiots up to my knowlege.

Hoseok:"Y/N COME EAT YOUR BREAKFAST!" he yelled from downstairs.

I grabbed my phone and put it in my sweaters pocket.

I opened the door and jogged towards the kitchen.

As i came closer i could smell a fresh nice warmth in the air filling the hallways as i passed through.

I came closer to the view of the kitchen ,when the door rang.

I looked over and started to head towards the door. I opened it to be met with a smiling boy a looking at me.

???:"y/n" he said as he took a step forward.


Sorry im a day late. I got stuck and here i am. Im hoping to
Update on friday this week if not Saturday. Srry its short ima also be editing and fixing mistakes mkay bye.


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