Amusement park

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Jungkook pov:

We were done and we already put our plates away and stuff since Jin hyung is very strict.

We then went back to the living room to watch tv.

Living room:

We were watching the 'Amazing world of Gumball '

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We were watching the 'Amazing world of Gumball '.

Which Taehyung picked.

(time skip brought to you by Jimin's missing jams)

It was already 9:01 and I heard shuffling upstairs.

Y/n then came out looking not like....


She was about to open the door when suddenly I got up quickly and grabbed her wrist.

I didn't even know what I was doing.

She turned around to look who it was and saw me.
She looked at me confused.

I just stared at her...
She really was pretty....
Well hot.. Intresting.


I then let go immediately.

Y/n:"What are you doing?"

I just stood there for good 5 seconds thinking.

Me:"where are you going?"

'best you got Jungkook? Really?'

'SHUT up my thought or whatever you are'

Y/n:"i'm going to meet up with Got7 and the girls why?"

I then felt little tense.

Y/n:"ohh do you guys want to come?"

She said like if she remembered or something.

Me:"let me go ask the guys"

I then left to the living room.

Me:"hay do you guys want to go out with got7 and Y/n's friends?" I asked as i entered the living room.

Jimin:"WHAT?! SHE INVITED YOU AND NOT ME?!" he said as he stood up.

Me:"What do you mean? she just asked right now and I Think asked me if you guys want to come.." i askded not sure what i was saying.

The boys nodded and got quickly ready (also me).

Time skip brought to you by suga's swag;
3rd person pov:

The boys went outside to find y/n already in the van with got7 and the girls.

Of course there was 2 vans.
There were 9 seats in each van.
3 in the front, 3 in the middle and 3 in the back.

Mafia Couple || Jk ff Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt